Speleology (ISSN 1478-999X)

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Contents of Speleology 3

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Speleology (40pp) (PDF 9.9MB)        Individual articles may be available below
GIBSON, David (ed.). (2003). Speleology 3. Buxton: British Cave Research Association. £2.70 plus postage. ISSN 1478-999X. 40pp, A4, with photos, maps and diagrams.
This issue has a cover date of Sept 2003.
Bulletin of the British Cave Research Association
Front Cover (p1)
Photos from Matienzo 2002.
Inside Front Cover (p2)
Contents (p3)
List of Contents.
In Brief (pp4-5)
British Caving Association, Cave Science Symposium 2004, Tratman Award 2002, BCA Handbook 2004, National Conservation Award for Derbyshire Caving Association, Yorkshire Dales National Park Elects Caver to Chair Access Forum, Axe Clue to the Mystery of the 'Pit of the Bones', Digitisation of 'Biological Records', Phylogeography of Subterranean Crustacea.
King Pot: 'Dark, Gloomy and Unfriendly (pp6-7)
by Glenn JONES.
Like the pots on the other side of the Kingsdale valley, King descends from the limestone bench to a Master Cave, with a valley exit dug through a plug of glacial debris. However, as Glenn Jones explains, there the similarity ends.
Mendip Caving 2003: News Report (pp8-9)
by Paul MANN.
Paul Mann reports on the weekend of caving events held at Priddy in June.
Carbon Dioxide in Limestone Caves and its Effect on Cavers (pp10-12) (PDF 409KB)     
by Gary K. SMITH.
There are increasingly frequent reports of 'foul air' – an excess of carbon dioxide and reduced oxygen – in caves. Garry K. Smith describes the problem and how to deal with it.
Product Reviews (p13)
SealSkinz Waterproof Socks, All-Weather Notebooks.
Expedition Report: Matienzo, Spain 2002 (pp14-17)
by Juan CORRIN.
Juan Corrin reports on the ongoing exploration in northern Spain.
Hidden River Expedition: China 2002 (pp18-22)
by James ALKER.
James Alker describes the 2002 'China Caves Project' work in Guangxi province.
The Luxeon White LED (p23)
by David GIBSON.
David Gibson reports on LumiLed's new white LED – the 'Luxeon' –and its use in Speleo Technics' new caving lamp.
Overseas News and Reviews (pp24-27)
by David St. PIERRE.
News from around the world, and reviews of caving publications, collated by BCRA's Foreign Secretary, David St. Pierre.
Book Reviews (pp28-34)
The Wonders of Dan yr Ogof, Tot Lord and the Bone Caves, How to Shit in the Woods, Diving in Darkness, Beneath the Cloud Forests, Expedition Medicine, Ten Years in the Dark [on-line], Life on a Line [on-line.
BCRA Special Interest Groups (pp34-35)
Reports from the Cave Surveying Group, the Cave Radio and Electronics Group, the Cave Photography Group and the International Society for Speleological Art.
Hidden Earth Update (p36)
by David GIBSON.
Some brief snippets of information about the forthcoming caving conference, reported by David Gibson.
Letters (p37)
Diary Dates (p37)
Diary Dates.
Corrections and Clarifications (p37)
Corrections and Clarifications.
@BCRA, @BCA (p38)
Contact Details for BCRA and BCA.
Knots I Can't Remember These Days (p38)
Part one of Haiku Poetry by 'The Rigging Dolly.
Inside Back Cover (p39)
Outside Back cover (p40)
by Chris HOWES.
Photos from Hidden River Expedition (China) 2002.

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