Accessibility, Copyright and Policy Info

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Scope of Web Site

Like any Web site, it is sometimes difficult to tell where one site begins and another ends. Even within the BCRA site, the responsibility for some pages has been delegated to SIGs, meetings organisers, bibliographers and so on. If in doubt about the origin of a page, please contact the BCRA's Web Site Editor.

Site Policies

Link Exchanges: This web site is intended, primarily, to provide information about the British Cave Research Association and its activities. It is not a listings site nor is it a diary site. In general, it is the policy of this web site not to accept requests for link exchanges with other organisations. Instead, there are a number of privately-maintained listings and diary sites for caving and speleology which you may wish to make use of. If you encounter a listings site that you think has particular merit, and you let us know, we may consider linking to it.

The reason for our policy arises out of considering what good is a listings list that only lists links to a few organisations, and what use is a diary that only lists a few items? What inferences can a reader make from such information? He will think that the list is selective; maybe that BCRA has endorsed some organisations and their web sites in preference to others. A listing or diary site has to be comprehensive to be worthwhile. Or to put it another way, if you are requesting that we include a link to your specialist organisation, where on our site should we include it so that it does not look out of place? At this point, you may be thinking "Well, how does a list ever get started". The answer is that it requires a dedicated volunteer whose task it is to compile and maintain a comprehensive list. As noted above, there are a number of such sites and, such is the power of the Internet, it is not necessary for BCRA to set up yet another such site and nor does BCRA have the volunteers to do so. The web site you are reading now is for information about BCRA.

Use of Web Cookies

Cookies are small amounts of data that your web browser stores on your computer so that the data is accessible to other web pages. In the UK, section 6 of The Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003, SI 2426, and its 2011 amendment require that cookies are only used by a web server if the user "is provided with clear and comprehensive information about the purposes of the storage of, or access to, that information". Therefore, for a statement on the use of web cookies on this website, please see Using Cookies with this web site.


Copyright in the text, photographs, graphics, and computer code on this website (including but not limited to client-side and server-side scripting, style sheets, data files and documentation) resides with the individual authors and not with BCRA. Copyright in the typographical layout of the pages on this website is owned by David Gibson unless otherwise stated.

The copyright owners assert their Moral Rights to the maximum extent possible under the Design, Copyright and Patents Act 1988 and any applicable subsequent Acts. Subject to statutory exception and to the extent permitted in this notice no material may be reproduced by any method without permission of the copyright owners. Online publications may be downloaded into your local storage or printed for your personal use provided that you include all copyright statements and that you make no alterations to them and that you do not use any of the pages in any other work or publication however stored. The opinions of the authors are not necessarily endorsed by the editor, nor the BCRA. [ver. 07-Dec-2024]

Additionally permission is granted to the British Library to make a snapshot copy of this website at any time for the UK Web Archive.

Also see: Copyright of BCRA Publications

Use of robots.txt

This site uses a simple robots command file to control access by search engines.

Data Protection Policy

(1) BCRA will guard the data of its members, subscribers and other customers in accordance with the Data Protection Act (1998) and its Schedules. Personal data shall be obtained only for the specified purposes of i) administering membership, subscription and sales services and ii) mailing of items solicited by its customers. Data will not be disclosed to any third party nor used for any purpose other than those stated above without the express consent of the customer. Data may be stored at more than one location and may be stored on paper and in computer files.

(2) Email addresses may be stored by software applications such as phpBB (used at and mailman (used at for the purpose of administering web and email forums to which the customer has opted to subscribe and by such action indicated his agreement to any stated or implied terms and conditions. Where such software applications issue or require passwords the user is expected to be familiar enough with these software applications (which are widespread throughout the Internet) to understand the consequences of such passwords being weak and transmitted en clair.

(3) As a general policy, where it is required that customers' email addresses are stored, they will be stored within the environment of a software application such as described under (2) where it is the user's responsibility to check and maintain his subscription details. As a general policy (although not without possible exception) we will not store lists of email addresses to which staff have access for general mailing purposes.


The authors' opinions are not necessarily endorsed by the editor of this Web site, nor the BCRA. Information on this web site is given in good faith but, nevertheless, it may contain errors for which neither the authors nor the BCRA expect to be considered liable. This site is written and maintained entirely by volunteers and any inadequacies in its presentation or deficiencies in its accessibility are due to the fact that volunteers frequently have only limited skills and limited available time.

British Cave Research Association (UK registered charity 267828). Registered Office: Old Methodist Chapel, Great Hucklow, BUXTON, SK17 8RG
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This page, was last modified on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 19:10:11 +0000