Meeting and Events Planner

This is a tool to help event organisers to collate event information in a standard format for supplying to the website editor or whoever needs to see it.

Click/Tap a link or scroll on down.


In order to speed up the process of updating the BCRA web site and the BCRA Google Calendar, it is helpful when event information is supplied in a standard format. This page allows event organisers to enter their data under specified headings and to submit it to the website editor. Please remember a few general points about BCRA meetings ...

All meetings need publicity. See Communicating with our Members

Please note that the form is quite basic in operation, although I will enhance it from time to time. The fields are all "narrative" in the sense that the data is going to be reviewed by a real person before being published; hence it does not matter precisely what you write. Thus the date (for example) can be in any format. However, writing "I cannot remember this guy's surname" is not helpful.
David Gibson 04-Jan-2024

▼  ABC : additions, bugs, corrections


Data Entry

Type of Event

Title of Event

Please note that if your title is too long it will be cut ('too long' takes into account the formatting of our website) Examples...

You should try to limit the Title to 100 characters but, if it is that long, a condensed version will also be required.

0 characters

Condensed Title

A Condensed Title is also required for use on some web pages. You should try to limit this to 70 characters. It can be the same as the main title.

0 characters

Date of Event

Please type something like 23 Sept 2024, 1 December 2024, 05-May-2024 or 2024/apr/1, spelling out at least part of the month, and using four digits for the year.

Day of Week

Start and Finish Times

You can give this as a narrative text, and we will extract the information that needs to be published. You might just say as usual for the seminars.

Billboard Name

This is the name of the person who is headlined for the event. That is, it is the meeting organiser, field-trip leader or seminar speaker. Please give only one person's name. Please ensure that this field is as you would like it published (but if it is too long, it will be cut).

0 characters

Main Affiliation

For seminars and lectures we might publish the affiliation of the speaker.

You should try to limit the Billboard Name and the Main Affiliation text to a total of 100 characters but, if it appraches that length, it may have to be cut to fit the slideshow.


0 characters


This field will usually be blank. If necessary, it will be added by the website editor. It adds a highlighed rider just above the image, such as "This is the talk postponed from December 2024".

Billboard Email (staff use only)

Please provide an email address for use by BCRA staff, e.g. so that a seminar speaker can be contacted if neccessary, e.g. to discuss streaming details.

Can this address be published (in a munged format) on our website?

 No       Yes 

Organiser's Name (for queries)

This could be different to the above. For example, for online seminars it should be the name of the organiser of the seminar, rather than the name of the speaker. This will be published in the scope of: If you have any queries, please contact ... This field is not yet implemented for Seminars; but will be eventually.

Organiser's Email

Please give a contact email for the Organiser given above. This will be published in a munged format. This field is not yet implemented for Seminars; but will be eventually.

Event Location


Event Requirements


Abstract of Talk / Description of Event

Abstracts should, ideally, be around 150–250 words. See the highlighted word counter immediately below this box. Event descriptions should be as short and as informative as possible. This field can include details that arise from theEvent Requirements field, e.g. a URL for advance registration, or a description of a cave to be visited.

0 words


We like to print a publicity photo on the web site. This might also go to Facebook who (believe it or not) do specify a preferred size, so that it works on all platforms. Email your photo separately to The specification is ...

Examples of file names...

Please give the file name of the photo or graphic that you are sending.

If the photo needs a caption, please enter it below

Who should be credited with ownership of this photo or graphic?

Has the owner of the copyright given permission for BCRA to use their work on the BCRA website and in social media?


Please "sign" this form with your email address and, if it is not obvious who you are, your name as well.


Submit Form

You can now review the information and, if it is correct, submit it for processing.

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To clear the form reload the page.

British Cave Research Association (UK registered charity 267828). Registered Office: Old Methodist Chapel, Great Hucklow, BUXTON, SK17 8RG
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This page, was last modified on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 19:15:23 +0000