- The most recent issue to be published was 19
- Speleology is no longer published. Further info.
- Database last updated on Sat, 07 May 2016 15:54:54 +0100
Contents of Speleology 17
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- Speleology (40pp)
(PDF 10.5MB)
Individual articles may be available below
- LYNCH, Erin (ed.). (2011). Speleology
Buxton: British Cave Research Association.
£2.70 plus postage. ISSN 1478-999X. 40pp, A4, with photos, maps and diagrams.
This issue has a cover date of March 2011 and was published in March 2011.
- The bulletin of British Caving
- Front Cover (p1)
- Some photos from the BCRA Photo Salon at Hidden Earth 2010.
- Hidden Earth Photo Salon (p2)
- Photos from the BCRA Photo Salon at Hidden Earth 2010.
- Contents (p3)
- List of contents and Masthead information.
- In Brief (p4)
- including CSTRI Awards, Young Researcher of the Year.
- Vale Mike 'Fish' Jeanmarie, 1945–2010 (p5)
- by James Cobbett and Brian 'Scoff' SCHOFIELD.
- Cobwebs from the Archives: Filming the Birth of a Yorkshire River (pp6-7)
- by Dave CHECKLEY.
Fifty-six years ago three cavers set out to make a film following the river Aire above and below ground. Hidden since 1955, the film and detailed production notes were recently discovered in the BCRA archive. Here Dave Checkley pieces together the story of the film.
- Expedition Report: Matienzo 2010 (pp8-11)
- by Juan CORRIN.
Juan Corrin reports on the ongoing exploration in northern Spain.
- 2010 Cave Science Symposium (pp12-14)
- by Trevor FAULKNER.
- Should You Use Polypropylene as a Lifeline? Definitely Not (pp15-17)
- by Bob MEHEW, Roy RODGERS and Steve RICHARDS.
If you've ever considered using polypropylene or polyester rope as a lifeline, you should think again. Bob Mehew, Roy Rodgers, and Steve Richards put the rope to the test, and here they share the results.
- Cave and Karst Science Explained (pp18-19)
- by Charlie SELF.
Charlie Self gives layman's summaries of Cave and Karst Science issues 36(3) and 37(1), featuring research from Micronesia, Spain, and the UK.
- Hidden Earth 2010: Competition Results (pp20-25)
- 2010 Cave Technology Symposium (pp26-30)
- by Mike BEDFORD.
The 4th annual BCRA Cave Technology Symposium was held in the Yorkshire Dales in April 2010. Mike Bedford summarises the presentations.
- Special Interest Groups (p31)
- News of BCRA's SIGs.
- Book Reviews (pp32-33)
- Penwyllt, Matienzo: 50 Years of Speleology, Caverns of Magic, Irish Speleology,Visions of Mulu – 60 Million Years in the Making.
- Overseas News and Reviews (pp34-37)
- Four pages of news and reviews from around the world.
- Diary Dates (p37)
- @BCRA, @BCA (p38)
- Contact Details for BCRA and BCA.
- Inside Back Cover (p39)
- Advertising material (page blank in online version).
- Outside back cover (p40)
- Advertising material (page blank in online version).

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