Speleology (ISSN 1478-999X)

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Contents of Speleology 15

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Speleology (40pp) (PDF 14.3MB)        Individual articles may be available below
LYNCH, Erin (ed.). (2010). Speleology 15. Buxton: British Cave Research Association. £2.70 plus postage. ISSN 1478-999X. 40pp, A4, with photos, maps and diagrams.
This issue has a cover date of July 2010 and was published in July 2010.
The bulletin of British Caving
Front Cover (p1)
A selection of photos from the Hidden Earth 2009 Photo Salon.
Inside Front Cover (p2)
Speleology subscription advert; Caving equipment supplier advert.
Contents (p3)
List of Contents.
News In Brief (p4)
Rob Eavis reports a Breakthrough in Eldon Quarry; Chairman's Letter: 'BCRA Needs You', David Checkley details some opportunities and vacancies within the BCRA.
Cave and Karst Science Explained (p5)
by Charlie SELF.
Curious about all of the science that goes on underground? In a new regular feature, Charlie Self gives layman's summaries of recent C&KS articles.
The Nought Percent: Exploration of Creevy Cave in County Monaghan (pp6-8)
by Alasdair KENNEDY and Artur KOZLOWSKI.
Defying expectations, Alasdair Kennedy and Artur Kozlowski have extended Creevy Cave to over 1km in length, discovering an unexpected souterrain along the way.
Review: Lightweight Rigging with Multi-Monti Bolts and AS Hangers (p9)
by Henry ROCKLIFF.
Henry Rockliff gives the low-down on the Crete 2009 expedition's experiences with Multi-Monti bolts and AS hangers. Both pieces of equipment provide significant weight savings over traditional rigging kit, but they may not be right for every situation.
Expedition Report: Crete 2009 (pp10-13)
by Jeff WADE.
Last summer British cavers returned to Crete, pushing Colosuss to over 500m deep and making it one of Greece's deepest caves. Jeff Wade reports.
Restoration of Whitewell Pot (pp14-15)
by Tony BROWN.
The entrance to Whitewell Pot has suffered from erosion for many years, and by the beginning of 2009 it was in danger of collapsing. With the Northern Caves Monitoring Project providing manpower and materials, the site has been restored and the cave is open once again. Tony Brown reports.
Derbyshire Discoveries 2009 (p16)
by Rob EAVIS.
From Peak Cavern to Gautries Hole to Water Icicle Close Cavern, Derbyshire correspondent Rob Eavis gives a round-up of last year's exploration highlights.
Montenegro: Where Does All of the Water Come From (pp17-19)
by Joe DUXBURY and Chris J BINDING.
PT4 may be the key to finding the source of the massive resurgences on the Gulf of Kotor. Joe Duxbury and Chris J Binding report.
Taking a Closer Look at Norber Boulders with BCRA (pp20-21)
by Gina MOSELEY.
BCRA's 2009 Summer Karst Science Field Meeting examined various possibilities for the formation of the limestone pedestals. Gina Moseley reports.
Caving in the Abode of the Clouds: Meghalaya, India 2009 (pp22-25)
by Simon BROOKS.
Last February exploration in north-east India continued with new finds on Shnongrim ridge and Pala ridge. Simon Brooks reports.
BCL's New Online Catalogue (p26)
by Martin LAVERTY.
Martin Laverty introduces the British Caving Library's online catalogue.
Hidden Earth 2009: Competition Results (p27)
Competition results from the caving conference.
Exploration and Science in Mulu 2009 (pp28-30)
by Adam SPILLANE and Gina MOSELEY.
In 2009 the 14th Anglo-Sarawak Expedition continued exploration of the giant caves of Mulu. Adam Spillane details the latest finds and Gina Moseley describes work being done to date these important caves.
Vale Peter Harvey, 1921-2009 (pp31-32)
Obituary for Peter I.W. Harvey, discoverer of Ogof Ffynnon Ddu, founder member and past president of South Wales Caving Club.
Book Reviews (pp32-33)
Managing Abandoned Mines for Bats; Mining in a Medieval Landscape: The Royal Silver Mines of Tamar Valley; From Charlotte Square to Fingal's Cave: Reminiscences of a Journey Through Scotland, 1620-1624, by Krystyn Lach-Szyrma; Jim Puttrell: Pioneer Climber and Cave Explorer.
Overseas News & Reviews (pp34-36)
News from around the world and reviews of caving publications.
BCRA Special Interest Groups (p37)
by John RABSON.
A report on the recent activities of the Cave Radio & Electronics Group.
Diary Dates (p37)
Diary Dates.
@BCRA, @BCA (p38)
Contact Details for BCRA and BCA.
Inside Back Cover (p39)
Advertisement feature for Hidden Earth 2010.
Outside back cover (p40)
A selection of photos from the Hidden Earth 2009 Photo Salon.

BCRA logo

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