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Cave & Karst Science (ISSN 1356-191X)

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Contents of Cave & Karst Science 48(3)

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Cave and Karst Science (iv + 40pp) (PDF 8.6MB)        Individual articles may be available below
GUNN, John and David LOWE (eds.). (2021). Cave and Karst Science 48(3). Buxton: British Cave Research Association. ISSN 1356-191X. iv + 40pp, A4, with photos, maps and diagrams.
This issue has a cover date of 2021 (December) and was published in February 2022.
The Transactions of the British Cave Research Association
Front cover photo (page i) (PDF 406KB)     
by Tony WALTHAM.
Caves Branch, Belize. (Photo: Tony Waltham).
Notes for Contributors (page ii) (PDF 266KB)     
Contents (p93) (PDF 401KB)     
Editorial (p94) (PDF 188KB)     
by John GUNN and David LOWE.
A brief note on faunal remains recovered from Hallowe'en Rift, Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK (pp95-96) (PDF 543KB)     
by Vince SIMMONDS.
During 2011, a small-scale excavation in Toil and Trouble, located in the lower series of passages in Hallowe'en Rift, recovered a single animal bone from the fine-grained sediments. The bone was later identified as Bison priscus 1st phalanx. In April 2019, the bone was sent for radiocarbon dating but, unfortunately, this was unsuccessful because there was insufficient collagen in the sample. However, there is supporting evidence to suggest that the find is of Pleistocene age and adds Hallowe'en Rift to the existing list of Mendip caves that have yielded ice age mammalian faunas.
Classification: Report.
Date: Received: 19 October 2021; Accepted: 08 November 2021.
Bibliograph: SIMMONDS, Vince. (2021). A brief note on faunal remains recovered from Hallowe'en Rift, Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. Cave and Karst Science 48(3), pp95-96.
Sir James Sivewright and Cango Cave in the 1890s (pp97-100) (PDF 877KB)     
by by Stephen A CRAVEN.
Aspects of the early life of Sir James Sivewright in Britain and his political activities in South Africa during the late Nineteenth Century are examined. Evidence suggests that Sivewright's influence on the development of Cango Cave, South Africa's best-known show cave, was beneficial.
Classification: Report.
Date: Received: 29 October 2021; Accepted: 11 November 2021.
Bibliograph: CRAVEN, by Stephen A. (2021). Sir James Sivewright and Cango Cave in the 1890s. Cave and Karst Science 48(3), pp97-100.
Travertine cascades around the world (pp101-114) (PDF 5.0MB)     
by Tony WALTHAM.
A pictorial overview of some of the world's finest travertine barrages and cascades. Carbonate travertine is polygenetic, both chemical and organic, and both karstic and geothermal, with a full range of sites between those extremes.
Classification: Feature.
Date: Received: 30 October 2021; Accepted: 22 November 2021.
Bibliograph: WALTHAM, Tony. (2021). Travertine cascades around the world. Cave and Karst Science 48(3), pp101-114.
Karstification of Upper Permian limestones and dolostones in northeastern England: a review (pp115-120) (PDF 1.4MB)     
by Phillip J MURPHY and David J LOWE.
Carbonate strata within the Upper Permian succession of northeastern England are locally karstified. All cave passages explored to date are either relict phreatic features or tectonic cavities, and all are of limited length and depth. No active conduits have been identified or entered. Generally, the caves are accessed through natural (sub)vertical sections exposing the carbonate beds or via man-made excavations. Evidence of ongoing active karstification is, however, recognized, so future karstological investigations of these carbonate outcrops might discover more diversity than that indicated by the known relict caves.
Classification: Report.
Date: Received: 01 November 2021; Accepted: 15 December 2021.
Bibliograph: LOWE, Phillip J MURPHY and David J. (2021). Karstification of Upper Permian limestones and dolostones in northeastern England: a review. Cave and Karst Science 48(3), pp115-120.
Exploring the impact of tourists on cave air temperatures: a Covid-19 case study from Poole's Cavern, Derbyshire, UK (p121–128) (PDF 1.5MB)     
by John GUNN and Matt ROWBERRY and Andrew SMITH.
In 2018 a 'British Cave Science Centre' (BCSC) was established in Poole's Cavern, a show cave near Buxton in the English Peak District. Data are open access and scientists are invited to use them to investigate the cave climate. This paper is a short case study of how the data may be used. Air temperature is measured at fourteen locations, two outside the cave and twelve inside, at each of which there is a thermistor linked to a radio data logger. The in-cave stations are at increasing distance from the entrance and most are within 3m of the tourist path. In 2020, following Government advice in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic, the cavern closed on 18 March and reopened on 20 July, giving an ideal opportunity to study the impact that normal operation of the show cave has on cave temperature dynamics. Temperature data at 10-minute intervals for this period, and for the same dates in 2019 when the cave was open, were extracted from the BCSC database. Seven measurement points were chosen: outside the cave; at the cave entrance; at about 10m, 75m, 125m and 150m from the entrance along the tourist path; and at SEP, a station about 25m from the tourist path in a side passage. Outside the cave the average air temperatures in 2019 and 2020 differed by <0.1C and the maxima and minima differed by <1C. In 2019 there were clear short-term variations in air temperature at the 75m, 125m and 150m sites that were caused by visitors during the passage of tours. However, absence of tourists during lockdown did not result in a significant change in the overall cave temperature.
Classification: Paper.
Date: Received: 14 December 2021; Accepted: 30 December 2021.
Bibliograph: GUNN, John and Matt ROWBERRY and Andrew SMITH. (2021). Exploring the impact of tourists on cave air temperatures: a Covid-19 case study from Poole's Cavern, Derbyshire, UK. Cave and Karst Science 48(3), p121–128.
Forum Items (pp129-132) (PDF 581KB)     
(1) Stephen K DONOVAN (p129): Short Communication: Notes for authors – the importance of a well-crafted abstract or what, exactly, are your conclusions.
(2) Book Review: Peter Kokelaar, 2021, All Our Own Water: landscape evolution, caves and hydrogeology of Gower.
(3) Dissertation Abstract: Ryan Nel, 2020, Stratigraphy of the Cango Caves Group of the Neoproterozoic to early Palaeozoic Saldania Belt, north of Oudtshoorn, South Africa.
(4) Seminar Abstracts [Online seminars to mark the 2021 International Year of Caves and Karst.
Classification: Forum.
Research Fund and Grants (page iii) (PDF 277KB)     
Back cover photos (page iv) (PDF 424KB)     
by John GUNN and Tony WALTHAM.
Collage of photographs by John Gunn and Tony Waltham related to three articles in this Issue. (Photos: John Gunn, Tony Waltham).

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