Caves Studies Series

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An Introduction to British Limestone Karst Environments
by John GUNN (ed.)

GUNN, John (ed.) (1994). An Introduction to British Limestone Karst Environments [Cave Studies Series 5]. Buxton: British Cave Research Association. Out of print. ISBN-0-900265-18-3. 40pp, A5, with maps and diagrams.

This volume in the Cave Studies Series is currently out of print, but we are considering a reprint. Please enquire

A guide to the hydrogeology, geomorphology and conservation of Britain's limestone regions.

This guidebook was compiled to mark the occasion of a joint meeting in Britain of the IGU Commission on Environmental Changes and Conservation in Karst Areas, the Karst Commission of the International Association of Hydrologists and a UNESCO International Geological Correlation Programme.
Limestone and karstic environments are important in England (and to a lesser extent elsewhere in Britain) because much of the groundwater supply of Eastern and southern England is drawn from limestone aquifers.
The book consists of six reviews. Two present a broad background to the varied geomorphology and hydrology of Great Britain; three discuss the Carboniferous, Jurassic and Cretaceous (chalk) limestone environments, and a final review discusses some minor carbonate formations. A list of references is included

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