Caves Studies Series

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Exploring the Limestone Landscapes of the Cumbrian Ring
by Phillip MURPHY

MURPHY, Phillip (2015). Exploring the Limestone Landscapes of the Cumbrian Ring [Cave Studies Series 20]. Buxton: British Cave Research Association. £5.00 plus postage. ISBN 978-0-900265-49-5. 68pp, A5, 41 photos, 17 maps/drawings.

A Walking and Cycling Guide

The Cumbrian Ring is a limestone outcrop surrounding the Lake District. Twelve short walks are described, which show the features of this landscape and its industrial heritage. This area, less well-known than the Lake District, contains a wide diversity of plant and animal life in nature reserves and designated Sites of Special Scientific Interest.

Front Cover Image
Book reviewers can download a high-resolution image of the front cover by clicking here.

Pre-publication edition
A pre-publication edition of this book was issued to those who attended the BCRA field meeting on 25 April 2015. Originally, it was intended to make available a list of changes to that edition. However, there have been numerous minor revisions to the text and so it is impractical to do that. Owners of the pre-publication edition should note the more significant changes, which are i) p16, 3rd "to the left is a..." should read "right". ii) p21, final para. , "...park on the road on your left" should read "right". iii) p45, 1st line, "Paradise" should read "Parkside"; same correction to caption for Figs 37 and 38. iv) p57, Fig 49 is a duplicate of Fig 48. The intended Fig 49 is absent

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