Caves Studies Series

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Exploring the Limestone Landscapes of the Peak District
by Trevor FORD and John GUNN

FORD, Trevor and John GUNN (2010). Exploring the Limestone Landscapes of the Peak District [Cave Studies Series 19]. Buxton: British Cave Research Association. £2.50 plus postage. ISBN 978-0-900265-35-8. 64pp, A5, 33 photos, 12 maps/drawings.

A Walking and Cycling Guide

Following closely from the two titles in this Series that covered Upper Wharfedale and the Three Peaks & Malham, the latest volume extends this Series to a further caving area. These titles, although clearly of interest to cavers are aimed more at the educated walker who seeks to know something of the cavities beneath his feet as well as the karst features that he sees all around him.
Forming the southern end of the Pennines, the Peak District is mostly within the county of Derbyshire, with a small southwestern area extending into Staffordshire. It has two distinct parts, the 'Dark Peak', with its Millstone Grit moors and shale-floored valleys, and the 'White Peak' to the south, comprising limestone country with beautiful dales and caves. This book is concerned only with the White Peak, which is some 40km from north to south and generally 10-15km wide. The geology and geomorphology of the region is described by means of eleven 'excursions' which may be undertaken on foot on by bicycle

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