Caves Studies Series

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Essential Sources in Cave Science
by Graham PROUDLOVE (ed.)

PROUDLOVE, Graham (ed.) (2006). Essential Sources in Cave Science [Cave Studies Series 16]. Buxton: British Cave Research Association. £5.00 plus postage. ISBN 978-0-900265-51-1. vi + 70pp, 156 x 234 mm, no illustrations.

A guide to the literature of cave science

In 15 chapters, recognised experts in cave science topics have selected and summarised almost 500 essential references for those who wish to gain a familiarity with topics that include Geology, Geomorphology, Hydrology and Hydrogeology, Chemistry, Physics (including Geophysics, Communications in Caves, Radiolocation), Speleogenesis, Minerals and Speleothems, Palaeo-Environments, Biology, Bats, Archaeology and Palaeontology, and Conservation & Management. Internet resources are also listed, and most topics suggest three primary reference sources as a starting point.
This book was originally issued in 2006 as ISBN 0-900265-31-0 in A4 format. It has been re-printed, in 2015, as ISBN 978-0-900265-51-1 in a 156 x 234 mm format. Some minor editing of the text has taken place, including the correction of some ISBNs, but please note that the text is essentially still that of the original 2006 edition. Many of the references listed in this book are available at the British Caving Library.
The booklet aims to be of assistance both to novices with no prior knowledge of cave science and to the experienced scientist who needs to gain knowledge outside their own area of expertise. The topics covered are a result of extensive consultations. They are, of course, principally the work of the authors, but each has benefited from the advice and consideration of at least two peer reviewers, as well as the members of the editorial board. The chapters are illustrated with vignettes by artist Rhian Hicks, which aim to encapsulate their subject matter. The topics covered are

  • Geology (Dave Lowe)
  • Geomorphology (Tony Waltham)
  • Hydrology and Hydrogeology (Chris Groves)
  • Chemistry (Simon Bottrell)
  • Geophysics (Phil Murphy and Tony Waltham)
  • Radon Physics (Clark Friend)
  • Communications in Caves (David Gibson)
  • Radiolocation (David Gibson)
  • Other Aspects of Physical Speleology (Graham Proudlove)
  • Speleogenesis (Dave Lowe)
  • Minerals and Speleothems (Charlie Self)
  • Palaeo-environments (Andy Baker)
  • Biology (Graham Proudlove)
  • Bats (John Altringham)
  • Archaeology and Palaeontology (Andrew Chamberlain)
  • Conservation and Management (Graham Price)
  • Speleology (Ric Halliwell)
  • Periodicals Publishing Cave Science (Graham Proudlove)
item: Essential Sources in Cave Science (PDF 1.6MB)        Individual articles may be available below
by Graham PROUDLOVE (ed.).
Full text of book (76 pages excluding cover).
Please note that the URLs that appear in the text feature space characters either side of the oblique (or 'slash') character, which were included for legibility of the printed paper edition. This means that if they are pasted into a browser they will need to be manually edited to remove the spaces. This deficiency will be addressed at a future date when a PDF with working hyperlinks will be created and/or the legibility issue addressed by kerning instead of using spaces.
Date: Published online 1 November 2015.
item: Wraparound cover (PDF 3.1MB)     
This is a full-bleed file that can be used to make a single-sided wrap-round cover for a perfect-bound booklet.
Date: Published online 1 November 2015.

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