Caves Studies Series

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Exploring the Limestone Landscapes of the Three Peaks and Malham
by Phillip MURPHY

MURPHY, Phillip (2005). Exploring the Limestone Landscapes of the Three Peaks and Malham [Cave Studies Series 15]. Buxton: British Cave Research Association. £2.50 plus postage. ISBN-0-900265-30-2. 64pp, A5, with 50 photos, 14 maps/drawings.

A walkers' guide

This walking, cycling and motoring guide is the 15th in the BCRA Cave Studies Series. Brief descriptions of the geology, geomorphology, glaciology, cave development, archaeology, and mineral extraction of the area are followed by eleven suggested excursions. These range from 1.2 km to 45 km in length.
Two circuits of Whernside and Ingle-borough by car and/or bicycle are described, and nine walks: Clapham Woods and Gaping Gill, Austwick and the Norber Erratics, Giggleswick Scar, Hull and Hunt Pots, Sell Gill Holes and High Birkwith, Victoria and Attermire caves and Langcliffe Moor, the Malham area, Malham Tarn; and finally, Aire Head Springs. The excursions are well described including details of the geological and karst features and local history

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