CREG Journal (ISSN 1361-4800)

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Contents of journal 83
September 2013

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CREG Journal 83 (0-24) (PDF 9.0MB)        Individual articles may be available below
This issue has a cover date of September 2013 and was published on 23 September 2013.
Front Cover (1) (PDF 136KB)     
A mines rescue team on an exercise with the m-Comm Mk.2 guidewire communications system. Photo: Golder Associates (UK) Ltd
Contents (2) (PDF 78KB)     
List of contents and masthead information.
Newssheet (3) (PDF 67KB)     
Diary Dates, Wet & Dry, Radiolocation Equipment, Articles, QR Codes.
Wire-guided Tunnel Communications: the Broader Picture (4-7) (PDF 1.1MB)     
Mike Bedford investigates the basic principles of propagating signals along cave passages or tunnels by use of a guide-wire, and reviews a range of methods applicable to cave communication.
Wi-Fi Performance in Tunnels (7) (PDF 405KB)     
Enhanced Wi-Fi performance has been demonstrated in tunnels as Mike Bedford reports.
Amateur VHF and UHF Radios for Caving (8-9) (PDF 120KB)     
In a recent article on leaky feeder systems for cave communications it was suggested that handheld radios for VHF and UHF amateur bands should be considered for caving. John Rabson considers equipment for the 144, 430 and 1300MHz amateur bands; other allocations in that part of the spectrum are discussed, as are licensing aspects.
We Hear (10, 14) (PDF 454KB)     
News and events - Mike Bedford brings us the latest to impact the world of cave radio and electronics, including eLORAN Expansion, Reinventing the Wheel, Graphene Photo-sensor, New Efficiency Record, Echolocation App, focus on Batteries, Li-ion Goes Spongy, Long Life Li-ion, The Lithium-Sulphur Alternative, Super-capacitors and Virus Batteries.
Surveying Flooded Caves with Neutrally-buoyant Sensors (11-14) (PDF 711KB)     
Neutrally-buoyant sensors are designed to ride the current within a flooded underground channel or cave and, using miniature transmitters and receivers, gather information about the shape and morphology of the chamber through which they travel, write Ronald T. Green and Ben Abbott.
m-Comm Mk.2: Guidewire System for Rescue Use (15-18) (PDF 1.3MB)     
Dave Lewis, Roy Tallon and Mustanir Ali describe an underground communication system that uses a wire to guide an LF signal, yet provides freedom to work away from the line thanks to a Bluetooth link.
Web Watch (18) (PDF 189KB)     
Peter Ludwig takes another look at the internet and comes up with a few interesting sites. Here's the latest sample.
Wet & Dry (19) (PDF 206KB)     
Ruggedisation, waterproofing & constructional techniques. Column edited by Mike Bedford.
The 'Pystol' LED Handheld Water-Cooled Lamp (20) (PDF 503KB)     
Andy Lillington presents a further water-cooled LED lamp design, intended for general use and constructed from easily obtained parts.
Rescue Communication in Uncle Sam's Toy Coal Mine (21-22) (PDF 487KB)     
Mining coal has always been a hazardous business. Over 100 years ago, the US Bureau of Mines started research into how to provide emergency communications in the event of an accident. John Rabson reports.
Letters to the Editor (23-24) (PDF 441KB)     
Batty, Rules of Engagement, Making a Connection.
The Adventures of GREG (24) (PDF 858KB)     
Illustrations by Adrian Higgins with words by Mike Bedford.

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