CREG Journal (ISSN 1361-4800)

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Contents of journal 74
September 2010

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CREG Journal 74 (0-28) (PDF 11.3MB)        Individual articles may be available below
This issue has a cover date of August 2010, but was actually published on 14 September 2010.
Newssheet (3)
2011 Cave Technology Symposium, Hidden Earth 2010 Presentation, CREG Prize 2010?, Correction, Letter to the Editor, Diary Dates.
Cave Technology Symposium 2010 (4-8)
The BCRA held its 4th Cave Technology Symposium in the Yorkshire Dales. Mike Bedford summarises the presentations.
QR Codes - the Latest (9)
According to their advocates QR codes, which are used as hyperlinks from the printed word to the Web, continue to grow in popularity. Mike Bedford provides an update on this up and coming technology.
Sub-Surface Radio in South African Gold Mines (10-13)
Brian Austin, G0GSF, describes the emergency communication systems that were developed for use in South African gold mines from the 30s to the 80s.
Lighting for Underground Video (14-16)
Peter Eggleston has built LED and discharge lamps to replace tungsten lighting for underground filming expeditions. Despite several challenges that had to be addressed, a fourfold reduction in battery mass was achieved.
Introducing the Light Shaping Diffuser (17)
Peter Hamilton describes how he modified the RETRO 2 lamp to achieve greater light distribution using a novel new technology, the Light Shaping Diffuser (LSD). This could also be of interest to those designing their own caving lamps.
Loran-C Suppression in Digital Cave Radios (18-22)
Antonio Muñoz and colleagues describe the effective suppression of Loran interference. The solution relies on a detailed understanding of the Loran signal and the algorithm was modelled in Matlab prior to demonstration in a TEDRA cave radio.
We Hear (23-24)
News and events - Mike Bedford brings us the latest to impact the world of cave radio and electronics.
Web Watch (24)
Peter Ludwig presents another collection of links for your delectation.
HDR Cave Photography (25-28)
High dynamic range photography has recently been popularised. Mike Bedford introduces the technique and illustrates how it can be used for capturing images of cave entrances which have a notoriously large dynamic range.
The Adventures of GREG (27)
Illustrations by Adrian Higgins with words by Mike Bedford.

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