CREG Journal (ISSN 1361-4800)

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Contents of journal 67
June 2007

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CREG Journal 67 (0-24) (PDF 5.1MB)        Individual articles may be available below
This issue has a cover date of June 2007
Front Cover (1)
Front cover photo by Mike Bedford
Masthead (2)
Information about the CREG journal, and a contents list
Newssheet (3)
Delays in Publication, HeyPhone and Radiolocation PCBs, The HeyPhone Web Site, CREG 'Scouts', Diary Dates.
TEDRA, the Development of a Software Defined Cave Radio (4-6)
José Luis Villarroel and his team describe a new SSB cave radio. It is based on 'software defined radio' (SDR) techniques to give future flexibility, operates at 70kHz to avoid Loran interference and is engineered to enable commercial production.
Web Watch (6)
Peter Ludwig takes a look at some more web sites covering basic communications, lighting, rapid charge batteries -and gravity measurements.
eLoran - What Is It? (7)
The Loran C low-frequency radio navigation system has been a problem for cave radio users for a long time. It had been hoped it would soon disappear, but instead it is being enhanced. John Rabson reports.
Thermal Imaging Cave Detection (8-12)
In this second of two articles, John T. M. Lyles examines the effectiveness of thermal imaging techniques for cave detection and illustrates their use in monitoring bat behaviour.
Resurgence Data Logging (13-16)
Stuart France resumed recording hydrological data at Dan-yr-Ogof after the cave resurgence water mysteriously turned a dark brown colour suddenly at various times in recent years. His previous study on flood pulses terminated with the Foot & Mouth Disease epidemic in 2001 and the new work described here began in late 2005 with a turbidity sensor added.
Speleonics (17)
Several people were interested in the state of the art in Single Wire Telephones and the possibilities for amending the Michiephone. There was also interest in the use of green LEDs for cave-diving lamps. Summaries by John Rabson of recent discussions on the Speleonics mailing list.
We Hear (18)
A round-up of new from the world of cave-related radio and electronics. Column edited by Mike Bedford.
Letters to the Editor (19)
Using Existing Data Acquisition Devices, Professional Appearance of Equipment Front Panels, Mine Explorer Caplamp.
Introducing The Internet of Things (20-23)
Will the Internet of Things influence the future as the Internet has done for the past fifteen years? Mike Bedford reports on this up-and-coming network and muses on how cavers might make use of it.
Unusual Photographic Duotone Processing (23-24)
David Gibson describes the digital processing of the 2007 Hidden Earth poster that appears on the outside cover of this Journal.
The Adventures of GREG (23)
Illustrated by Adrian Higgins with words by Adrian Higgins & Mike Bedford.

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