CREG Journal (ISSN 1361-4800)

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Contents of journal 49
September 2002

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CREG Journal (PDF 4.4MB)        Individual articles may be available below
Jean-Jacques Fauchez; Heyphone Documentation; Next Field Meet; Hidden Earth 2002; Cave Surveying Group Field Meeting; Annual General Meeting; An update on the CREG Journal CD-ROM; Diary Dates.
We Hear...
A miscellany of odds and ends, and rumours, but no scandal (we hope). In fact, almost anything that might be of interest to readers but which might perhaps not go well as a Letter to the Editor.
HeyPhone Testing at Malham Cove Flood Rising
Members of the Cave Diving Group recently tested the HeyPhone in an airbell. Adrian Hall reports, with additional material from Pete Allwright, Bill Whitehouse and John Cordingley. Reprinted by permission from the BCRC Newsletter.
Letters to the Editor
We have items on patents, radiolocation in flooded passages and System Nicola.
Web Watch
Peter Ludwig has spread his net wide.
Can You Patent an LED Flashlight?
In CREG Journal 48 Henry Schneiker asked for information from readers about early LED power controllers in the context of patents for LED flashlights. Here he discusses the issues further.
Henry's question led to an e-mail discussion on (principally) the US patent system. Contributions summarised by John Rabson.
Speleonics Meeting
At the 2002 NSS Convention in Maine, on June 24, 37 cavers from the Communications and Electronics Section met to discuss the progress of their projects. Brian Pease summarises their presentations.
An Electronic Detector for Fluorescein
Fluorescein is normally detected with active carbon receptors. This can involve a lot of work. Erwin Lokhorst offers a cheaper and easier way.
A Channel Sounder for Sub-Surface Communications
Part 3 - Spectrum Survey: Preliminary Results. Channel-sounders are used to test radio-wave propagation in a specified band, often the short-wave (HF) or one of the UHF 'cell-phone' bands. In this series of articles, David Gibson describes a new design of sounder that operates from 0 - 200kHz with a wide-band induction loop antenna. The sounder can also be used as a spectrum analyser, and is intended to be part of a wideband adaptive digital communications system.
Cave Radio Notebook
51: Cave Radio Using a Broadcast Carrier, 52: A Goniometer for Angle Measurement (John Hey), 53: Cave Radio Notebook Index. Edited by David Gibson.
Variable-Frequency Cave Radio Tests
In some locations the standard cave radio frequency of 87kHz suffers significantly from co-channel interference or poor propagation. John Rabson reports on tests using other frequencies at Bull Pot o' the Witches and Kingsdale Master Cave.
A Practical White LED Lamp for Caving
Stuart France presents a flexible design for an all-LED lighting system which is compatible with common caving battery systems. It fits into CEAG and Oldham heads and utilises their off-pilot-main rotary switches and recharging sockets.
Meet the CREGgies (7)
Rosy Rabson interviews Steve Laugher, John Wilcock and Bill Purvis.

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