CREG Journal (ISSN 1361-4800)

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Contents of journal 47
March 2002

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Comment: Radio Location Underground. What do we Need?; Meetings & News: CREG Field Meeting, BCRC Conference, Change of Editor; Administrivia; Annual General Meeting, CREG Award; Diary Dates.
The Secret Tunnels of South Heighton
Geoffrey Ellis describes the abandoned WWII tunnels of Royal Naval Headquarters HMS Forward, and the communications and radio location challenges faced by the Friends of HMS Forward in restoring the site.
Impedance Measurement at LF
Jean-Jacques Fauchez reports and analyses results obtained with the equipment he described in J46. Translated by John Rabson.
Cave-to-Cave Location
Most articles on radio location assume that one station is on the surface. Ian Drummond describes a tried and tested technique which works from one cave to another.
Harold Lord (1935-1996) - an Appreciation
Who was Harold Lord? What did he do? Julian Coward tells us something of his life and work, with additional material by Clive Gardener, Sara Lord & Clive Westlake.
A Clamp-On Single Wire Telephone
Graham Naylor describes an RF-based SWT based on a commercially-available wireless intercom.
Updates: Flashgun Slave & Bulb Firer
Some updates to David Gibson's flashgun slave unit projects that were featured in journal 45.
A Proposed DSP Architecture for LF SSB Cave Radio
Pursuing the theme of 'writing a software radio', Graham Naylor describes how DSP could be used to implement a direct-conversion SSB receiver for the long wave band used by cave radios.
Cave Radio Notebook
48: A DSP implementation of the Turner/ Weaver SSB modulator. David Gibson offers some comments on Graham Naylor's DSP proposals and looks at an alternative approach.
Web Watch
Peter Ludwig unearths more lighting and battery sites.
Chris Vernon's high-power flashgun
An unusual design delivering 500W at 200-300 flashes per second.
Tunnel Radio - the Scottish Experience
Roger Stapleton tells how Raynet provides safety communications through disused railway tunnels.
Cave Radio and Electronics in Romania
Nelu Ursan and friends report on the present state of Romanian cave communications and related activities, and their plans for future cave radio work. Adapted by Rosy Rabson.
Wet & Dry
John Rabson describes (i) his experiences with an introductory Surface Mount kit, (ii) a cleaner way to do Dirty Bug construction and (iii) another way to maintain order on the bench top when developing a circuit. Mike Bedford reviews some more specialist waterproof bags for keeping equipment dry. Column edited by Richard Rushton.
BCRA CREG Award Rules
Stated by the CREG committee.
Speleo Tools: A Toolkit to take Underground
Following on from an earlier article by Mike Bedford, David Gibson suggests a toolkit for underground electronics repairs.
Douglas Strait asked for help in clarifying his thinking about field behaviour in rock with varying conductivity and therefore varying skin depth. Contributions summarised by John Rabson.
Meet the CREGgies (5)
Who are these people we keep reading about in this journal? And what do they look like? Rosy Rabson inter-views Chris Trayner, Stuart France and Peter Ludwig.
Cave Radio on 160m
Chris Trayner was recently asked about using this band.
Letters to the Editor

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