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CREG Journal (ISSN 1361-4800)

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Contents of journal 46
December 2001

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Comment: Radiolocation; Meetings & News: CREG Field Meeting, Award for Caving Gadgetry, Radiolocation PCBs from Brian Pease, Review: Speleonics Magazine, CREG Award, Credit Card Subscription Payments; Diary Dates.
Surface Mount Technology: Hand Soldering of Circuit Boards
For those of you who are used to building prototypes on strip board or through-hole PCBs, Martin Melzer offers an introduction to surface mount construction, concentrating on the problems of hand-soldering SM devices.
Web Watch
Peter Ludwig has unearthed more lighting/battery sites.
Selected Further Reading
If a topic in this issue interests you, this list from CREG journals, compiled by David Gibson, may help.
This time we have three topics: Batteries (twice), a data-logging question and how to illuminate your compass without the magnetic field of your lighting system distorting the readings. Review by John Rabson.
Adapting a Cave Radio for Expedition Use
Erwin Lokhorst & Herman Jorens describe the modifications they have made to a rescue cave radio to provide features more suitable for expedition use.
Using Excel for Technical Number Crunching
Mathematical and scientific calculations are not the sole domain of expensive and specialised packages. Nor is the humble spreadsheet suitable only for business applications. Mike Bedford explains how Excel can be pressed into service for technical computing.
Selective Availability: an update on GPS Accuracy
Mike Bedford takes a look at GPS, now that selective availability has been removed, to find out what sort of accuracy is achievable in practice. WAAS (the Wide Area Augmentation System) is also covered.
CREG in the South West
As a change from natural caves, CREG's recent field meeting was held in abandoned tin and copper mines. Richard Rushton describes events in Cornwall.
Cave Radio in the Metal Mines of Cornwall
John Rabson presents the results of cave radio tests in Cornish mines. Encouraging performance was achieved in metal-bearing granite and sedimentary rocks.
Hidden Earth 2001
Mike Bedford reports on at CREG at the national caving conference, where we held our AGM. Richard Rushton and Margaret Bedford review the past year in their Chairman's and Treasurer's Reports respectively.
An Impedance Meter for Low and Medium Frequencies
Jean-Jacques Fauchez describes apparatus for measuring the impedance of earth current antennas, whether earthed at the ends or not. Translated by John Rabson.
Flashbulb Sockets
David Gibson lists the sockets required for the common sizes of flashbulb.
Online Subscription Payment
Accepting subscription payments from overseas can incur high transaction charges. David Gibson explains how clubs and societies can benefit from Internet facilities now available.
TETRA-based Multi-Media Radio Aids Mountain Rescue
Using Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA), mountain rescuers now have the capability to relay GPS positioning information, text and status messages, digital images and medical telemetry using a single system. HW Comms' press release is edited for CREG by David Gibson.
Meet the CREGgies (4)
Who are these people we keep reading about in this journal? And what do they look like? Rosy Rabson interviews Mike Bedford, Keith Jackson and Julian Coward.
Letters to the Editor

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