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CREG Journal (ISSN 1361-4800)

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Contents of journal 36
June 1999

CREG Journal (PDF 10.9MB)        Individual articles may be available below
Caving Lamps - a New Generation (part two)
Chris Vernon's LED caving lamp gives 7 hours' light for a battery drain of 2W. All the electronics are contained within the lamp housing, and it includes a built-in fast charger and helmet-mounted battery pack. Circuit diagram, PCB layout and constructional information are included in this article.
Ground Penetrating Radar at Poole's Cavern
Ground penetrating radar shows considerable promise at finding new cave passages. Rod Eddies describes his work at Poole's Cavern and illustrates some exciting new discoveries.
Electronica Mexican
In the first of an occasional series about cave electronics abroad, Stuart France jumps on a mule to discover Duracell's market penetration of the Mexican jungle and explores Tottenham Court Road in downtown Mexico City.
A Dual Frequency Loop for the CB LF Transverter
Virtually all cave radios have been single frequency designs but the CB transverter approach offers a multi-channel capability. Mike Roos describes the design and tuning of a dual frequency loop.
Web Watch
Lighting is the main subject this time in Peter Ludwig's regular review of Web sites.
Selected Further Reading
If you are interested in the topics covered in this issue, then this list of 'further reading' from past CREG journals, compiled by David Gibson, may be of use to you.
Rescue Communications Field Meeting
This March, in a break from our usual pattern of field meetings, CREG held a meeting specifically to demonstrate and discuss cave rescue communications; Steve Laugher reports.
Recent topics included a discussion of Laser Surveying Devices. Review by Jeremy Davis.
White LEDs for Emergency Lighting
Nigel Lovell describes an easy-to-build emergency lamp using four white LEDs. It is field-tested by Steve Laugher.
A Mini Cave Radio
John Hey provides circuit details of his latest cave radio. This improves on the performance of previous designs and is housed in a smaller case.
The Role of the Cave Radio and Electronic Group
Richard Rushton. CREG's new chairman offers his views on the role of the group within the caving community.
PIC a Cave Radio - Microcontrollers at LF
Stuart France explains how cave radios can make use of PIC micro-controllers to generate the transmitted frequency, audio tones and control the user interface.
Wet & Dry
Richard Rushton describes his experiments with adhesive tape seals.
Letters to the Editor
Feedback, debate, information & news - our readers have their say. Letters on Radio-location & dowsing, Portable soldering irons, Loan equipment, PICs, New lighting regulator, Stereo tech-nique for interference reduction, Wet & Dry, and Bryan Ellis.

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