CREG Journal (ISSN 1361-4800)

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Contents of journal 35
March 1999

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Integrated Geophysical Surveys Applied to Karstic Studies
Dr Rob McDonald, Nicholas Russill and Dr Rob Davis explain how multiple geophysical methods can be used to reduce ambiguities which result from the use of a single method.
Getting Started with PICs
Many people are put off using PIC microcontrollers because of the cost of the development kit and lack of experience says Stuart France. To help overcome these problems a low cost PIC programmer and a project board to make a simple counter are provided in kit form.
Review of the last quarter's discussion on the speleonics mailing list by Jeremy Davis. Recent topics include power generation, LED light sources, and the speleonics e-mailing list itself.
Quantifying the Improvement - Loops, Good & Poor Electrodes
A 31dB gain was achieved using earth current instead of loops. The difference between poor and good electrodes was also measured. John Rabson and Rob Gill report.
Caving Lamps - a New Generation
Chris Vernon describes the development and performance of a practical helmet mounted LED cave-light with integrated battery charger.
Web Watch
Peter Ludwig brings us a wide selection of Web sites - plenty here on batteries, lighting and tools.
Car Lamp Chargers
Forgotten to put your lamp on charge? Chris Trayner outlines his design for a simple battery charger which plugs into a car cigarette lighter socket.
Cave Radio Notebook
36: Energy storage in Inductors, 37: Underwater Radiolocation, 38: Comms Reports, 39: Index to Cave Radio Notebook. Edited by David Gibson.
3496Hz - 'D-Q' Radiolocation Beacon
Smart-chargeable Caving Lamps
Stuart France investigates the discharge and charge characteristics of NiCd and NiMH batteries and introduces his design for a smart charger.
Wet & Dry
This quarter: Failure modes of caver counters and cave-proofing boxes and connectors. Edited by Richard Rushton.
Cave Data Loggers
Data loggers can make a contribution to cave science. Chris Trayner describes three units and looks at a current application.
Speleo-tools: What to take Underground
Experience suggests that cave electronics experimenters would benefit from a toolkit underground, says Mike Bedford. Here we look at some tools which are particularly suitable for the underground and outdoor environment.
Letters to the Editor
Feedback, debate, information & news - our readers have their say. Field meetings, ghost writing and bat detection are this quarter's subjects.

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