CREG Journal (ISSN 1361-4800)

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Contents of journal 32
June 1998

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A Charger for Gelled Electrolyte Lead-acid Batteries
Despite the fact that they've been eclipsed by NiCd, NiMH and Li-ion cells in laptop PCs and cell phones, lead-acid batteries are still used by cave electronics enthusiasts. John Hey considers their advantages and provides a charger design.
Surface Radio - Communication for Expeditions (part 2)
Mike Bedford concludes his two-part series on expedition radio by looking at the characteristics and construction of various antennas and at licensing issues.
Cave Radio Notebook
Edited by David Gibson - 29: The Thirds Rule for Radiolocation. 30: Experiments with Ground Electrodes. 31: ICs for Amplitude Modulation. 32: Fields from a Grounded Wire.
Photographers & CREGies Unite
Mike Bedford, Richard Rushton and others report on the recent field meeting held jointly by CREG and cave photography enthusiasts.
LF Through-rock Induction - the Broader Picture
David Gibson describes some of the commercial uses of ground-penetrating radio, based on a presentation he gave at the Radio Solutions conference in October 1997.
A Transformer for Earth Current Communications
Rob Gill describes the construction of a matching transformer used for earth current experiments.
Web Watch
Peter Ludwig lists some more web sites to visit. David Gibson continues his review of Usenet, and brings us up to date with the Speleonics mailing list.
Notes from our French Correspondent
Jean Jacques Fauchez, the prolific French designer of cave radios, he shares his experiences as a series of notes and diagrams. Topics covered include his new Cournouze radio, earth electrodes, frequency choice, and geology. Translated by Rosy and John Rabson.
Wet & Dry
Drying out wet equipment, rugged laptops, ruggedness of switch covers and a test procedure for caving equipment. Column edited by Richard Rushton.
Anatomy of a Student Project
A number of students worked on cave electronics-related projects during the previous two academic years. Guy Tomlinson, describes his experiences.
Underground Radio Tests on the Nene Valley Railway
Accidents happen in railway tunnels so effective communication is necessary says John Rabson. Tests are described with additional contributions from Rob Gill, Chris Trayner and Roger Goodchild.
Roger, Kirk Out
Chris Trayner tells the story of his first underground operation on the new European LF amateur band at 136kHz.
Letters to the Editor
Feedback, debate, information & news - our readers have their say.

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