CREG Journal (ISSN 1361-4800)

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Contents of journal 30
December 1997

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JOTA and Talk-through Boxes
A talk-through box is used for linking a cave radio to a surface radio. John Hey presents a design which was used in an amateur demonstration station.
Taking the Knocks - Introducing Rugged Electronics
A cave represents one of the more demanding environments for electronic equipment. Mike Bedford looks at how ruggedness and waterproofing are specified and how rugged kit is designed and manufactured.
The Speleonics Mailing List
Joe Hruska introduces the Speleonics mailing list and presents a representative sample of recent correspondence.
Simple NiCd Battery Protector
Paul Ostby outlines a simple and inexpensive method of protecting a nickel-cadmium battery from excessive discharge.
Cave Radio & Electronics at UIS '97, Switzerland
Ian Drummond & Christian Ebi report on the Workshop on Electronic Techniques in Speleology which took place as part of the International Congress of Speleology (UIS '97) which took place in Switzerland in August.
An Updated Michiephone
Michael Lake discusses the Michiephone single wire telephone, and describes the updated version now produced commercially.
Cave Radio Notebook
Low-noise amplifier for LF, The 'thirds' rule for radio-location, Earth-current / Induction hybrids.
PIC a Project!
Some ideas for projects using PIC microcontrollers by David Gibson.
LCD Panels with PICs
Stuart France gives some hints on using LCD panels with PIC circuits, making particular reference to his caver counter.
Web Watch
Peter Ludwig brings us his latest roundup of Web sites to interest the cave electronics enthusiast. This quarter - batteries.
1996/7 - A Year in View
Richard Rushton presents the Secretary's report which was presented at the AGM.
Laser & LED Safety
High brightness LEDs certainly seem to have captured caver's imagination as a new light source. But Chris Seal suggests that we should tread carefully, making sure that we don't pick devices which might be harmful to the eye.
Solar Charger FAQ
Answers by David Gibson.
Cave Radio - 'How to do it'
David Gibson gives an introduction to his cave radio design, bringing together some points discussed in previous Journals and suggesting how you might go ahead with the design.
1996/7 Treasurer's Report
Based on David Gibson's report for the year to 31st March with additional personal comments.
Letters to the Editor
Feedback, debate, information & news - our readers have their say.

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