CREG Journal (ISSN 1361-4800)

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Contents of journal 29
September 1997

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CREG Journal (PDF 10.5MB)        Individual articles may be available below
Light Work - An Overview of Sight, Seeing, Light & Lighting
How does the human eye respond to various forms of lighting? Steve Clark investigates, and suggests a bright future for the new breed of high-brightness white LEDs.
Foot-Candles: Photometric Units
More footnotes on optical topics by David Gibson.
Fluorescent Tube Drivers
A selection of references to circuits for driving fluorescent tubes collected by David Gibson.
State of the Art Main Caving Lamps
Peter Lugwig presents his views on the ideal main caving lamp and investigates how this may be provided by new light sources and batteries.
Update: Flashgun Slave
This short note gives an update on the constructional information for David Gibson's slave unit.
Using LEDs as Photodiodes
David Gibson shows that using an LED could reduce the cost, and increase sensitivity of his flashgun slave.
The Cave Radio & Electronics Group - The First 10 Years
Mike Bedford and David Gibson chart our progress over the first ten years.
LF Spectrum Surveys - a Review
John Rabson reviews the work carried out so far makes some preliminary proposals on suitable frequencies for designers of new cave radios.
Batteries at Low Temperatures
John Rabson cools some batteries.
Cave Radio Notebook
Deforming Loop Antennas & Racal-Decca Beacons.
The Future of Amateur LF Bands
The 73kHz amateur band may soon be joined by one at 136kHz. Chris Trayner reports.
Web Watch
The Web is becoming an indispensable source of information for the electronically-minded caver. Peter Ludwig of Austria reviews some lighting-related sites.
Literature Received
Review of John Taylor's paper on earth current communication by Mike Bedford.
A Two-tone Generator for Aligning SSB Transmitters
John Hey presents a practical design for a portable unit which is suitable for use with cave radios.
News about the LF spectrum by David Gibson.
The Resistance of Ground-electrode Arrays
Using N electrodes in a ground array can reduce the resistance to 1/N but certain criteria have to be met. David Gibson explains the theory.
Electronics Underground in Yorkshire and Mendip
Richard Rushton reports on our latest two field meetings.
Earth Current: Directionality & Circular Polarisation
John Hey and Rob Gill describe experiments to evaluate the benefits of 'circularly polarised' earth current transmission and to measure the relationship between field strength, distance and orientation.
Letters to the Editor
Feedback, debate, information & news - our readers have their say.
The New CREG Journal Bar Code
David Gibson.

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