CREG Journal (ISSN 1361-4800)

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Contents of journal 27
March 1997

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Conductivity Experiments at Castleguard Meadows
Canadian cavers have been using electromagnetic methods to determine ground conductivity. Ian Drummond presents the results.
Guide-wire - the Feature
This Journal takes guide-wire communication as its main theme. Mike Bedford sets the scene.
David Gibson takes a brief look at single-wire telephones, and compares Lovell's high impedance version with Michie's standard design.
Single Wire Telephones for Mines Rescue
David Gibson recently visited a Mining consultancy, to find out what commercial communications equipment was used by Mines Rescue teams, and whether it would be suitable for cavers.
Guide-wire Quandary - VHF, HF, LF?
Mike Bedford describes some experiments aimed at discovering which frequency is best for guide-wire communication.
Technicolour Cables
Are some colours of cable more visible than others underground? Mike Bedford examines the evidence.
Guide-wire in Action - the SCMC Experience
An interesting technique or a useful method of communication? Peter Eggleston describes SCMC's success with CB guide-wire.
Membership Survey
A questionnaire was sent to subscribers whose renewal fell due in September. M.C. Black analyses the results.
Nidderdale '96
Richard Rushton looks back on our recent field meeting.
An Automated LF Spectrum Survey
Which are the quiet spots in the LF spectrum? John Rabson, G3PAI, hooks up a communications receiver to a PC and plots the results.
Packet Radio Goes Underground
Bob Bruninga, WB4APR, presents an amusing account of his experiments with VHF underground, and considers the merits of a packet repeater system.
HF to UHF at RCM
A report on cave passage propagation by Mike Bedford.
Build a Cascade Unit for Electronic Flashguns
You've seen the pictures, now build the unit. Ian Drummond presents his flashgun cascade unit as a constructional project.
Foot Candles
Footnotes to David Gibson's article 'Candlepower' in J26.
Determining Depth by Radio-Location: An Extreme Case
At a depth approaching 200m radio-location is not easy. Brian Pease compares practical measurements using his beacon, to a theoretical model.
A Rubber Loop Antenna
John Cleeve, G3JVC, presents constructional details for a loop antenna based on a bicycle inner-tube.
Letters to the Editor

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