CREG Journal (ISSN 1361-4800)

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Contents of journal 26
December 1996

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Radio Speleohistory
David Gibson has collected some examples of the early use of radio in caves and mines.
Speleobytes - Computers & Caving Clubs
How can caving clubs gain maximum benefit from using a PC? Preparing the newsletter is just the tip of the iceberg says Dave Mycroft.
New Usenet Newsgroups
David Gibson reports on two new Internet newsgroups which will be of interest to cavers.
Spinning a Web - Designing Caving Sites
Just about everyone now seems to be on the Web. Mike Bedford describes how the caving community can benefit from a Web presence.
A National Cave Register
Graham Price outlines the NCA's plans for setting up a national cave database to assist in conservation, recreation and research.
Web Site Review
What is there on the Web for cavers? Kym ap Rhys reviews some sites.
Excelling in Hydrology
Spreadsheets aren't just business tools. John Wilcock shows how Microsoft Excel can be used to simulate cave hydrology.
The Cave Guidebook - a Thing of the Past?
Mike Bedford describes how hypertext languages - and HTML specifically - can be used to overcome the drawbacks of the printed word for describing caves.
'Speleological Abstracts' on CD-ROM
This annual world-wide caving bibliography is now available on CD-ROM. David Gibson was not impressed with the presentation.
Choosing a Frequency for a Radio-Location Beacon
Radio-location beacons tend to use a crystal oscillator and a power-of-two divider. David Gibson suggests that we can be a little more imaginative.
1995/96 - A Year in View
Richard Rushton looks at CREG's achievements over the last 12 months.
Keep that Water Moving
Mike Bedford illustrates cascaded electronic flashguns.
Bypassing the Sump in Bärenschacht
Jacques Hurni, HB9OD, describes a successful radio-location exercise using 1.8MHz equipment.
An Introduction to Data Transmission
Part 2 of David Gibson's summary of digital communications techniques.
A 'Stealth' Caver Counter
Stuart France provides constructional details for a caver counter based on an Arizona Microchip microcontroller.
David Gibson explains lumens and candelas, and why the candlepower rating of a lamp can be misleading.

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