CREG Journal (ISSN 1361-4800)

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Contents of journal 11
March 1993

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CREG Journal Archive:
This issue is available on paper as part of a two-volume archive, covering issues 1 to 25. To purchase it, please visit

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Contents. (This is a bit-map scan).
Updates on past articles: Flashgun Slave, Radio Initiation of Detonators.
Computers Underground
Mike Bedford reviews two new ruggedised, hand held IBM compatibles.
Extending Battery Duration by Heating
David Gibson investigates.
Which is the Best Frequency for Cave Radio?
In part 1 of a series, Mike Bedford looks at the various types of interference present and presents circuits to assist in reviewing the LF / VLF bands.
Guide-wire Communications Review
David Gibson gives a roundup of the various techniques referred to as 'guide-wire' communication.
Choosing a Battery Voltage
How many NiCd cells should you string together into a battery? David Gibson shows there is a limit to this.
Ferrite Rods as Receiving Antennas
David Gibson explains the salient points of using ferrite cores and compares them with air-core antennas.
How Long Should a Wire Antenna Be?
Despite the virtual universality of loop antennas for cave radio, there may be something to be said for using short whips. David Gibson reports.
Photography with a Bang
Cameras have been known to explode underground. Chris Howes investigates why and what can be done to prevent it.
Biasing Op-amps for Single-supply Circuits
David Gibson gives circuit suggestions for using op-amps when you don't have a split supply rail.
SURVEY V1.2 Cave Surveying Software for PC Compatibles
Dave Irwin reviews this latest version of cave surveying software for the IBM.

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