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Cave & Karst Science (ISSN 1356-191X)

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  • Database last updated on Fri, 24 Jan 2025 12:22:57 +0000

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Contents of Cave & Karst Science 49(1)

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Cave and Karst Science (iv + 48pp) (PDF 5.0MB)        Individual articles may be available below
GUNN, John and David LOWE (eds.). (2022). Cave and Karst Science 49(1). Buxton: British Cave Research Association. ISSN 1356-191X. iv + 48pp, A4, with photos, maps and diagrams.
This issue has a cover date of 2022 (April) and was published in May 2022.
The Transactions of the British Cave Research Association.

Online version corrected 09 June 2022 to add material omitted from Table 3 on page 31
Front cover photo (page i) (PDF 515KB)     
by Martyn FARR.
A drone's-eye view of Smoo Cave, which lies within one of Scotland's Geoparks, southeast of Diuranais (Durness) on the northern coast of the Scottish mainland (Photo: Martyn Farr).
Notes for Contributors (page ii) (PDF 266KB)     
Contents (p1) (PDF 396KB)     
Editorial (p2) (PDF 182KB)     
by John GUNN and David LOWE.
A preliminary survey of the aquatic invertebrate fauna of Scottish caves (p3–13) (PDF 2.0MB)     
by Lee R F D KNIGHT, Nataša MORI and Anton BRANCELJ.
A descriptive survey of the aquatic invertebrate fauna of 32 caves across various regions of Scotland was carried out between April 2015 and April 2021. Most of the vadose streams in the Scottish cave systems investigated were allogenic in nature and hence were dominated by aquatic invertebrate assemblages of benthic taxa presumed to have drifted in from the surface. Lentic habitats harboured less-diverse communities, often dominated by large numbers of Oligochaeta, Ostracoda and Copepoda. The latter two groups are mostly very small (1–3mm) animals that generally prefer slower flows and more sheltered conditions. Several, possibly stygophilic, populations of copepods and ostracods were recorded in pools and perched sumps in higher level passages, above normal water levels. The stygophilic ostracod Cavernocypris subterranea was recorded from four new sites in the Assynt and Appin regions. Specimens in the ostracod genus Fabaeformiscandona, tentatively identified as Fabaeformiscandona latens, were recorded in two caves. Although the collection of additional specimens is required for confirmation, these records of F. latens could be the first documentation of this stygobitic species in the British Isles.
Classification: Paper.
Date: Received: 28 January 2022; Accepted: 22 March 2022.
Bibliograph: KNIGHT, Lee R F D; Nataša MORI and Anton BRANCELJ. (2022). A preliminary survey of the aquatic invertebrate fauna of Scottish caves. Cave and Karst Science 49(1), p3–13.
A preliminary survey of the aquatic invertebrate fauna of Scottish caves (pp S1-S11) (PDF 1.7MB)     
Online supplement to above paper.
Atmospheric pressure anomalies at the British Cave Science Centre triggered by catastrophic volcanic eruption in Tonga on 15 January 2022 (p14–18) (PDF 983KB)     
by Matt ROWBERRY and John GUNN.
A catastrophic eruption destroyed the Tongan island of Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha'apai at 04:14 UTC on 15 January 2022. This event triggered a series of enormous ripples that spread out across the Earth. Atmospheric pressure observations recorded outside and inside the British Cave Science Centre at Poole's Cavern, Derbyshire, present evidence for two phases of anomalous behaviour between c. 18:30 and 20:30 UTC on 15 January and c. 01:30 and 02:30 UTC on 16 January. These are thought to have been initiated by a Lamb wave circling the Earth. Visual inspection also identified a series of smaller perturbations repeating approximately every six hours until 17 January and renewed instability culminating on 19 January. In contrast, automated anomaly detection pinpointed only the larger anomalies on 17 and 19 January. Further research is needed in order to confirm the existence of these later anomalies and better to understand their relationship with the volcanism in the southern Pacific Ocean.
Classification: Report.
Date: Received: 26 March 2022; Accepted: 07 April 2022.
Bibliograph: ROWBERRY, Matt and John GUNN. (2022). Atmospheric pressure anomalies at the British Cave Science Centre triggered by catastrophic volcanic eruption in Tonga on 15 January 2022. Cave and Karst Science 49(1), p14–18.
The role of mixing corrosion at different temperatures in the one-dimensional epigenic speleogenesis of indurated limestones, and the White (1977) conjectures (p19–34) (PDF 2.2MB)     
by Trevor FAULKNER.
Mixing corrosion (MC) in limestone occurs where saturated and unaggressive streams with differing amounts of dissolved carbon dioxide and calcium carbonate mix and become aggressive. This arises from the non-linear relationship of calcite solubility with the CO2 partial pressure (PCO2) in solution, whereas mixing is a linear process. Recent studies explore MC and speleogenetic inception within high matrix and/or fracture permeability karst, commonly restricted to mixing at equal temperatures, using two- or three-dimensional models. However, a one-dimensional approach remains important for karstification along long flow routes in indurated limestones with negligible primary porosity and low fracture density, where early MC might apply and be influenced by varying temperatures. Dissolution and any late MC after phreatic conduits reach maturity is also essentially a 1-D process, because other permeabilities are then insignificant. When MC occurs in phreatic conduits closed to resupply of CO2, there is a complex relationship between the PCO2 in solution and that in the upstream cave air. However, during speleogenetic inception, only the palaeo cave air PCO2 can be estimated directly.
Classification: Paper.
Date: Received: 10 April 2021; Accepted: 03 March 2022. Online version corrected 09 June 2022 to add material omitted from Table 3 on page 31.
Keywords: marble; solubility; dissolution; mixing; breakthrough; climate; speleogenesis.
Bibliograph: FAULKNER, Trevor. (2022). The role of mixing corrosion at different temperatures in the one-dimensional epigenic speleogenesis of indurated limestones, and the White (1977) conjectures. Cave and Karst Science 49(1), p19–34.
The role of mixing corrosion at different temperatures in the one-dimensional epigenic speleogenesis of indurated limestones, and the White (1977) conjectures (pp S12-S19) (PDF 1.2MB)     
Online supplement to above paper.
The hopeful Dr Turk's monster: Frank Turk, orthogenesis and the evolution of troglobites (p35–44) (PDF 836KB)     
As late as 1969 the British arachnologist Dr Frank Turk remained deeply sceptical of the widely-accepted Modern Evolutionary Synthesis in relation to blind cave animals. He thought that a morphologically-anomalous juvenile millipede (Nanogona polydesmoides) collected in a cave in North West England might be one of the hypothetical &hopeful monsters& of the saltationist geneticist Richard Goldschmidt. This very common species is an established member of the British subterranean fauna, and specimens collected underground are reported to have a reduced maximum number of ocelli compared with those from epigean habitats. The specimen (now lost) is herein assumed to have been merely a reproductively-nonviable teratological mutant. Turk also endorsed orthogenesis and expressed sympathy with the extreme theory of &gerontocratic& evolution in cave animals proposed by the prominent French speleobiologist Albert Vandel. Turk's non-Darwinian evolutionary ideas were not novel and they had no discernible impact, but his views do serve to highlight and characterize difficulties that many speleobiologists have had in understanding or accepting natural selection. Turk's contributions to British speleobiology in the post-war decades are also reviewed and briefly assessed. This paper is a contribution to the history of British speleobiology, with a history and philosophy of science perspective.
Classification: Paper.
Date: Received: 01 March 2022; Accepted: 16 March 2022.
Keywords: Acari, Arachnida, atrophy, Berg, British Speleological Association, Cannon, Cave Research Group, Goldschmidt, hopeful monster, macroevolution, microevolution, Modern Synthesis, Myriapoda, Nanogonapolydesmoides, natural selection, non-Darwinian evolution, orthogenesis, phenotype, saltation, Teilhard de Chardin, troglocentrism, Vandel.
Bibliograph: MOSELEY, Max. (2022). The hopeful Dr Turk's monster: Frank Turk, orthogenesis and the evolution of troglobites. Cave and Karst Science 49(1), p35–44.
Forum Items (pp45-48) (PDF 1.1MB)     
Abstracts from the 32nd BCRA Cave Science Symposium.
Classification: Forum.
Research Fund and Grants (page iii) (PDF 277KB)     
Back cover photos (page iv) (PDF 427KB)     
by John GUNN and Andy FARRANT.
Collage of photographs by John Gunn and Andy Farrant (Photos: John Gunn, Andy Farrant).

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