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Cave & Karst Science (ISSN 1356-191X)

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Contents of Cave & Karst Science 47(1)

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Cave and Karst Science (iv + 52pp) (PDF 8.6MB)        Individual articles may be available below
GUNN, John and David LOWE (eds.). (2020). Cave and Karst Science 47(1). Buxton: British Cave Research Association. ISSN 1356-191X. iv + 52pp, A4, with photos, maps and diagrams.
This issue has a cover date of 2020 (April) and was published in April 2020.
The Transactions of the British Cave Research Association
Front cover photo (page i) (PDF 364KB)     
by Robbie SHONE.
The third diagonal river crossing in the Ora Cave (Nakanai Mountains of East New Britain, Papua New Guinea). The crossing leads to the roof traverse that can be seen just to the left of the explorer. (Photo: Robbie Shone).
Notes for Contributors (page ii) (PDF 267KB)     
Contents (p1) (PDF 402KB)     
Editorial (p2) (PDF 404KB)     
by David LOWE and John GUNN.
Remembering Dave Checkley, Peter Standing and Chas Yonge (pp3-5) (PDF 677KB)     
by Colin BOOTHROYD, Linda WILSON, David LOWE, Derek FORD and Art PALMER.
We mark the passing of three 'caver-scientists', David Checkley, Peter Standing and Chas Yonge, each of whom made a significant contribution to the work of the BCRA and to the wider world of the cave- and karst-related sciences. To many readers these three will probably need no introduction. All were respected cavers on the basis of their many achievements at home in the UK and overseas, whether on expeditions or following temporary and permanent moves around the globe. David spent many years as a valued member of the BCRA Council, including roles as Foreign Secretary, Chairman and President. Peter relocated to Northwest England following his retirement, and re-invented his academic direction and research interests, including jumping whole-heartedly into BCRA (and related) symposia and field meetings. Chas was one of the founder members of the Cave and Karst Science Editorial Board, whose breadth of knowledge and ability always to 'find time' ensured that his contributions as a reviewer or as an author were invaluable. All three have supported the BCRA policy of information dissemination, whether by support of meetings, contributions to Cave and Karst Science, involvement with the Cave Studies Series or simply by encouraging others to share details of their activities and results via the entire spectrum of BCRA publications over many years. They will be greatly missed as colleagues but more especially as friends.
Caves in the conglomerates of the Meteora geosite (Greece) (pp6-10) (PDF 1000KB)     
by Georgios LAZARIDIS.
Karst dissolution in the conglomerates of the Meteora area has escaped the attention of studies that deal with their formation and evolution as a landform. In this paper the presence of dissolution caves is reported and in particular the Drakospilia cave is presented in detail. Its morphology is indicative of a phreatic cave system that has shifted from the phreatic to the vadose zone.
Classification: Report.
Date: Received: 10 December 2019; Accepted: 22 January 2020.
Bibliograph: LAZARIDIS, Georgios. (2020). Caves in the conglomerates of the Meteora geosite (Greece). Cave and Karst Science 47(1), pp6-10.
The caves and karst of the West Iso River, Nakanai Mountains, East New Britain, Papua New Guinea (pp11-18) (PDF 2.1MB)     
by David W GILL.
A brief description of the island; history; tectonics; geology; karst and caves of the Nakanai Mountains, East New Britain, Papua New Guinea is provided. Beginning in 1984 as the Untamed River Expedition, the main area of exploration by British teams was the west Iso Valley. The Nare was explored to a conclusion along with other caves feeding the Nare River; the Pavia River Cave is the major inlet. A separate underground drainage system was mapped at Gamvo. Due to high cost and complex logistics it was 2006 before a return was made, with the National Geographic, to the Ora doline, in a remote area at the head of the Iso River. The Ora system was explored to a conclusion and the major river inlet cave, Phantom Pot, was explored fully and mapped. During a helicopter flight a huge resurgence was noted issuing from the west cliffs of the Iso River. Mageni was explored and mapped but the cave continues beyond the farthest point reached. Some recommendations for future work are included.
Classification: Paper.
Date: Received: 06 January 2020; Accepted: 27 February 2020.
Bibliograph: GILL, David W. (2020). The caves and karst of the West Iso River, Nakanai Mountains, East New Britain, Papua New Guinea. Cave and Karst Science 47(1), pp11-18.
Forest of Dean Dye Tracing Project (Slaughter and Ban-y-gor catchment areas) history and interim results (pp19-22) (PDF 900KB)     
by Paul W TAYLOR.
A brief history of cave exploration and hydrological study in the area of the Slaughter Resurgence catchment in the Forest of Dean during the past 60 years is presented, followed by an interim report of recent dye-tracing in this catchment and in that of the Ban-y-Gor Resurgence, farther south in the Forest of Dean.
Classification: Report.
Date: Received: 17 December 2019; Accepted: 13 March 2020.
Bibliograph: TAYLOR, Paul W. (2020). Forest of Dean Dye Tracing Project (Slaughter and Ban-y-gor catchment areas) history and interim results. Cave and Karst Science 47(1), pp19-22.
Evidence for early human visits to, and possible edible-nest swiftlet exploitation of, Deer Cave, Sarawak, Western Borneo (pp23-25) (PDF 923KB)     
We report a radiocarbon age of 2150 ±30 radiocarbon years before AD 1950 or 2305–2040 calendar years BP (94% probability) on human-sourced charcoal that we conjecture may be associated with an edible-nest swiftlet roost in Deer Cave, Gunung Mulu National Park, Sarawak. This is therefore amongst the earliest archaeological evidence of indigenous human exploitation of cave resources in the Mulu karst, and the earliest documented evidence of probable swiftlet exploitation in Southeast Asia.
Classification: Paper.
Date: Received: 12 March 2020; Accepted: 27 March 2020.
Bibliograph: MCFARLANE, Donald A; Joyce LUNDBERG and Guy Van RENTERGEM. (2020). Evidence for early human visits to, and possible edible-nest swiftlet exploitation of, Deer Cave, Sarawak, Western Borneo. Cave and Karst Science 47(1), pp23-25.
Twinpot, alias Tripot, Western Cape Province, South Africa (pp26-28) (PDF 627KB)     
by Stephen A CRAVEN.
An account is presented describing the exploration history of Twinpot (otherwise known as Tripot) from 1868 to the present day.
Classification: Report.
Date: Received: 24 November 2019; Accepted: 22 February 2020.
Keywords: Cango Cave, le Roux, Marcus Mud Crawl, Stroomwater, Tripot, Twinpot, van der Riet.
Bibliograph: CRAVEN, Stephen A. (2020). Twinpot, alias Tripot, Western Cape Province, South Africa. Cave and Karst Science 47(1), pp26-28.
The discovery and exploration of Danby Level Caverns, and their morphology in relation to other large maze caves in the Northern Pennines, UK (pp29-36) (PDF 1.7MB)     
by Chris CURRY, Tony HARRISON and Pete ROE.
Several complex and extensive maze caves, most only accessible from redundant mine workings, have been discovered in the Northern Pennines of the United Kingdom over the last few decades, and are known to have hypogenic origins. In early 2019 a further such system, Danby Level Caverns, was discovered in Arkengarthdale, North Yorkshire, and this has now been explored and surveyed. It has a surveyed plan length of 2.2km and differs in morphology from similar previously explored caves in having numerous low and wide passages (in contrast to the typical rift-shaped passages of other systems). This is thought to reflect locally anomalous aspects of the geology within a fault-bounded block of the Early Namurian (Pendleian) Great Limestone Member.
Classification: Paper.
Date: Received: 24 October 2019; Accepted: 02 February 2020.
Keywords: maze cave, hypogenic, geomorphology, speleogenesis, Carboniferous, Northern Pennines.
Bibliograph: CURRY, Chris; Tony HARRISON and Pete ROE. (2020). The discovery and exploration of Danby Level Caverns, and their morphology in relation to other large maze caves in the Northern Pennines, UK. Cave and Karst Science 47(1), pp29-36.
The discovery and exploration of Danby Level Caverns, and their morphology in relation to other large maze caves in the Northern Pennines, UK. (On-line supplement) (pp S1-S12) (PDF 1.5MB)     
Online supplement to above paper.
The Lancaster Cave and Mine Research Society 1967–1980: achievements and legacy (pp37-38) (PDF 620KB)     
by Phillip J MURPHY and Max MOSELEY.
The Lancaster Cave and Mine Research Society existed from 1967 to 1980. It focussed on speleological, archaeological and mining history research in the Morecambe Bay area. To support these activities the club developed a Field Research Centre at Warton Crag. After the demise of the club the Field Centre was no longer maintained and many artefacts and documents were lost. Currently, legacies of the club's publishing and recording activities continue to be important sources of information about the area.
Classification: Report.
Date: Received: 06 November 2019; Accepted: 03 January 2020.
Bibliograph: MURPHY, Phillip J and Max MOSELEY. (2020). The Lancaster Cave and Mine Research Society 1967–1980: achievements and legacy. Cave and Karst Science 47(1), pp37-38.
A Roman dog from Conistone Dib, Upper Wharfedale, UK, and its palaeohydrological significance (pp39-40) (PDF 632KB)     
by Phillip J MURPHY and Andrew T CHAMBERLAIN.
Dog bones recovered from the dry valley system of Conistone Dib have been radiocarbon dated to the Roman period. The assemblage appears to have been emplaced by a flood event, suggesting that significant surface water flow in the now dry valley has occurred as recently as 2000 years ago.
Classification: Report.
Date: Received: 06 January 2020; Accepted: 11 February 2020.
Bibliograph: MURPHY, Phillip J and Andrew T CHAMBERLAIN. (2020). A Roman dog from Conistone Dib, Upper Wharfedale, UK, and its palaeohydrological significance. Cave and Karst Science 47(1), pp39-40.
The Middle Baram caves and karst areas, Sarawak (pp41-47) (PDF 1.4MB)     
by David W GILL.
The karst and caves of the Middle Baram region, often referred to as the Gading Karst near Long Laput, have been known for more than 150 years as a source of the valuable, edible, nest of the White-nest Swiftlet (Aerodramus fuciphagus; also known as the Edible-nest Swiftlet). In recent years it has become apparent that outside of the Gomantong Caves in Sabah, the area contains the only viable colony of this rare swiftlet species to be found in Borneo. It was also known that extensive limestone quarrying in the region was destroying some caves and threatening many more. Under licences issued by the Forest Department Sarawak, the local community, the Kayans, had been harvesting nests in more than 100 caves in 28 separate limestone areas, generating considerable income. Hence the karst and caves were considered as valuable assets. An appeal was made by the local community, stating that the caves were disappearing rapidly as the quarry area expanded. Over the years bird numbers had declined alarmingly, with less than an estimated 15,000 breeding pairs remaining. Survey of the limestones revealed that most of the Batu Gading limestone outcrop to the north and much of another eight outcrops had been destroyed, along with their caves and the swiftlets. Only six major areas remained. A cave and karst survey was undertaken and a sustainable nest-harvesting operation was introduced, with a significant positive effect. An attempt made by the author to have the karst scheduled as a National Park was unsuccessful. The history, geology, karst regions and the eight mapped caves are described.
Classification: Report.
Date: Received: 29 November 2019; Accepted: 04 January 2020.
Bibliograph: GILL, David W. (2020). The Middle Baram caves and karst areas, Sarawak. Cave and Karst Science 47(1), pp41-47.
The Middle Baram caves and karst areas, Sarawak (On-line supplement) (pp S13-24) (PDF 1.8MB)     
Online supplement to above paper.
Cave Research Group of Great Britain; Biological Records 1938–1976: a digital version (pp48-49) (PDF 708KB)     
by Graham S PROUDLOVE and Will BURN.
A fully digital version of the biological data collected in British and Irish caves between 1938 and 1976 is now available. It contains 5581 individual records and the original printed page for each record can be viewed as a pdf image.
Classification: Report.
Date: Received: 26 January 2020; Accepted: 14 March 2020. URL to Hazelton database corrected 23 April 2020 to http://cavescience2-cloud.bcra.org.uk/6_biology/ .
Bibliograph: PROUDLOVE, Graham S and Will BURN. (2020). Cave Research Group of Great Britain; Biological Records 1938–1976: a digital version. Cave and Karst Science 47(1), pp48-49.
Short Communication: '100 Memories': an oral history of the University of Bristol Spelaeological Society in its centenary year (p50) (PDF 440KB)     
Classification: Forum.
Short Communication: The puzzle of Frank i' th' Rocks Cave, Wolfscote Dale, Derbyshire, UK (p51) (PDF 607KB)     
by Jenny POTTS.
Classification: Forum.
Comment and Book Review (p52) (PDF 320KB)     
by Trevor SHAW.
Mattes, Johannes (2019), Wissenskulturen des Subterranen: Vermittler im Spannungsfeld zwischen Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit. Ein biografisches Lexikon.
Classification: Forum.
Research Fund and Grants (page iii) (PDF 277KB)     
Date: Information updated online on 23 April 2020.
Back cover photos (page iv) (PDF 431KB)     
by Alan GAMBLE, David GILL and Robbie SHONE.
Aspects of the karst and caves within the West Iso River area in the Nakanai Mountains of East New Britain, Papua New Guinea. See the Paper by David Gill in this issue. Photos: Alan Gamble, David Gill, Robbie Shone. See contents page for photo captions.

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