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Uploading Cave & Karst Science - step-by-step instructions

This is still in draft

This document contains more detailed and specific notes than the general "catalogue information" pages, which are also still in draft. This operation takes about four hours, once you know what youre doing.

Click/Tap a link or scroll on down.

Adding Data to a Catalogue C&KS instructions)

To update a catalogue with a new publication, it is not necessary to write any HTML web pages. It is only necessary to upload the data to the correct locations, and the Content Management System (CMS) will look after it. That does not mean that it is trivial – there are still a number of detailed processes that have to be undertaken. The process is slightly different for the CREG journal, because that uses an earlier version of the CMS. Here, the process is described for Cave & Karst Science.

  1. Open an FTP application
  2. Download the print-version of C&KS from our web site, where it has been placed by the CKS editor. The FTP location is /public_html/uploads/CaKS/. The content is also at /bcra.org.uk/uploads/CaKS/ but that is a less convenient download. Reminder to self: I download this to my local storage at (e.g.) C:\_C\_cloud\britiag2\bcra\CKS_originals_to_sort\49-1\Print_PDFs after copying my template to a new location.
  3. Download the web version of C&KS from our cloud server britiag2 where it has been placed by the C&KS editor. The FTP location is (e.g.) /dalesbook/CaKS/49(1)_WebPDFs/WebPDFs. Reminder to self: I download this to my local storage at (e.g.) C:\_C\_cloud\britiag2\bcra\CKS_originals_to_sort\49-1\Webfiles
  4. Move the hires files to \Webfiles\hires
  5. Obtain a directory listing via the command prompt; copy it to the clipboard and then edit it to create the rename.bat. For this you need a knowledge of how the page numbers and .f flags are used to create the content files to the correct DOI specification. The rename file will look similar to ...
    rename Ebook_01_CaKS-49-1-FRONTCOVER.pdf   cks145i.pdf
    rename Ebook_02_CaKS-49-1-INNERFRONT.pdf   cks145ii.f.pdf
    rename Ebook_03_CaKS-49-1-CONTENTS.pdf     cks145001.f.pdf
    rename Ebook_04_CaKS-49-1-EDITORIAL.pdf    cks145002.f.pdf
    rename Ebook_05_CaKS-49-1-PAPER1.pdf       cks145003.pdf
    rename Ebook_06_CaKS-49-1-PAPER2.pdf       cks145014.pdf
    rename Ebook_07_CaKS-49-1-PAPER3.pdf       cks145019.pdf
    rename Ebook_08_CaKS-49-1-PAPER4.pdf       cks145035.pdf
    rename Ebook_09_CaKS-49-1-FORUM.pdf        cks145045.f.pdf
    rename Ebook_10_CaKS-49-1-INNERBACK.pdf    cks145iii.f.pdf
    rename Ebook_11_CaKS-49-1-BACKCOVER.pdf    cks145iv.pdf
    rename Ebook_12_CaKS-49-1-SUPPLEMENTARYppS1-S11.pdf    cks145S1.pdf
    rename Ebook_13_CaKS-49-1-SUPPLEMENTARYppS12-S19.pdf   cks145S12.pdf
  6. Close any open files and then run the batch file and check the output. (Not only is a batch file faster and less prone to typos than editing the file names manually but, if you do get it wrong, you can simlpy re-run it and there is less chance of getting in a total muddle).
  7. Merge the individual PDFs together to form a single file and name it cks###000.pdf where ### is the sequence number for the issue.
  8. Reminder to self: On my local storage, move those PDFs to C:\_C\_cloud\britiag2\bcra\PDF-web-mirror\bcra\public-html\pub\candks\_pdf
  9. Upload the files to BCRA's cloud storage, as follows...
    • From C:\_C\_cloud\britiag2\bcra\CKS_originals_to_sort\49-1\ to britiag2, /bcra/CKS_originals_to_sort
    • From C:\_C\_cloud\britiag2\bcra\PDF-web-mirror\bcra\public-html\pub\candks\_pdf to britiag2, /bcra/PDF-web-mirror/bcra/public-html/pub/candks/_pdf
  10. Edit the contents file, supplied by the editor, into the required format. The list of operations, which is not exhausive, includes
    • Add the %P, %T, %A, %X, %K, %8, %9 and %_ tags
    • Remove "and" from lists of authors
    • Check for italics and add HTML. This can be done, in Word, by doing a wildcard search for (<?@>)?> with Format: font: Italic and replacing the text with <i>\1</i> and Highlight. Then do a manual inspection of the highlighted text, editing it where needed (e.g. replace <<i> </i> with a space.
    • Replace curly apostrophes with plain, whilst Autoformat-as-you-type is switched off
    • Replace quotation marks with &amp;
    • Look for subscripts and superscripts and replace with their HTML renditions. In particular, replace CO2 with match case CO<span class=sub>2</span>
    • Look for symbols like ± and use the HTML entity &plusmn;.
    • Many will need checking at, e.g. dionysia.org/html/entities/symbols.html. One for issue 49(1): for ≤ use &le;
    • Look for accents in names. Two that commonly cause a problem are
      a) the caron, which is like an upsidedown circumflex. The HTML code &#780; comes after the char that it combines with.
      b) the breve, which is like a U. the HTML code &#774; comes after the char that it combines with.
  11. Take an existing data file on the local machine, like C:\_F\home\bcra\public_html\pub\candks\data\j144.html, edit it in a plain text editor to produce the new data file, and paste in the results of the above edits.
  12. Update the header section of the data file, including un-commenting the sandbox flag %S.
  13. Update the Front Cover, Notes for Contributors, Editorial and Contents references.
  14. Update the Forum Items, Research Fund and Grants, Back cover photos references
  15. Add and references to supplements. Use a previous data file as a guide.
  16. Attend to the following...this section to be further edited
    • layman and supplement references
    • free issue items
    • note that %Z values are 'openAccess' and 'summary'
  17. Process the front and rear covers ...
    • Make TIFs of front and rear covers
    • Make a copy of the front cover, as width 1000 and c10. Name it, e.g. j144_w1000-h1414-c10.jpg
    • Reduce that to width 400 and sharpen it (reminder to self 3333 perhaps), as e.g. cks145i_w400-ush3333-c5.jpg - note the prefix !
    • Reduce that to width 200 and sharpen it (reminder to self 3333 perhaps), and compress as c20, to j144.jpg
    • Create copies of both covers of height 630 and paste them into a template for j144_facebook.jpg
  18. Upload the processed files to web server destinations as follows
    • /public_html/pub/candks/data
    • /public_html/pub/candks/covers
    • /public_html/pub/candks/_pdf
  19. Process and upload the following files
    • Update the server file /manifest2020/periodicals_settings.php
    • Update the server file /public_html/pub/schedules.html
    • Update the server file /public_html//pub/pricelist.html if necessary
  20. For catalogues other than CREGJ, CKS and REVIEW, update the 'latest' setting in /public_html/pub/pub/covers
  21. For catalogues other than CREGJ, CKS and REVIEW, update the info in /public_html/bookshop/__publication_dates
  22. For CKS catalogue only, update the file at http://caves.org.uk/payments/bca/forms/M1a.js
  23. Check the live pages...
  24. Do a final check and comment-out the sandbox tag
  25. Test the Facebook scrape by posting a message quoting the URL bcra.org.uk/cks, whereupon Facebook should grab the image that you prepared and uploaded above.
  26. Publicity: Facebook scrape, Notices List, News Forum, UKcaving.com

British Cave Research Association (UK registered charity 267828). Registered Office: Old Methodist Chapel, Great Hucklow, BUXTON, SK17 8RG
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This page, http://bcra.org.uk/pub/cat-info-cks.html was last modified on Mon, 16 May 2022 16:22:47 +0100