Cave Studies Booklets

Some of these items are (as indicated) available to download. For all items, you can read a description of the contents of each issue by clicking on the images below. Scroll down for...

Guides for Walkers

Latest ItemExploring...Cumbrian Ring (#20, 2015) Exploring...Peak District (#19, 2010) Exploring...Three Peaks ...Malham (#15, 2005) Exploring...Upper Wharfedale (#13, 2003) Caves and Karst...Mendip Hills (#8, 1999) Available to downloadCaves and Karst...Brecon Beacons (#7, 1998) #3 is out of print. (Scheduled for reprinting - please enquire)Caves and Karst... Peak District (#3, 1990) Available to downloadCaves...Yorks. Dales: Field Guide (#1, 1987)

Science Topics

Available to downloadEssential Sources in Cave Science (#16, 2006) Available to downloadA Dictionary of Karst and Caves (#10, 2002) Sediments in Caves (#9, 2001) #5 is out of print. (Scheduled for reprinting - please enquire)Intro. Brit. Limest. Environments (#5, 1994)

History Topics

Available to downloadEli Simpson and the BSA (#18, 2009) Available to downloadThe Grotte Casteret (#17, 2007) Available to downloadSwildons 2 and 3 (#14, 2004)

Technology Topics

Cave Surveying (#11, 2003)

Out of Print

#12 is out of print.this out-of-print title #6 is out of print. (Replaced by #10 in series)this out-of-print title #4 is out of print.this out-of-print title #2 is out of print. (Replaced by #11 in series)this out-of-print title

British Cave Research Association (UK registered charity 267828). Registered Office: Old Methodist Chapel, Great Hucklow, BUXTON, SK17 8RG
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