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Wookey Hole - 75 Years of Cave Diving & Exploration

By Jim Hanwell, Duncan Price and Richard Witcombe

Published by the Cave Diving Group, with financial assistance from BCRA.

Price £15 (plus a 20% discount to BCRA members). Order Online.

368 pages (A4), fully-illustrated with maps, diagrams and photos in colour and monochrome.

Since the Middle Ages, visitors from all over Britain and beyond have been drawn to the magnificent cave system at Wookey Hole in Somerset where the River Axe flows through a series of grand chambers before emerging at the head of a rocky ravine. For the last 75 years, ever increasing numbers of tourists have been joined by an adventurous band of cave divers whose aim has been to explore the subterranean Axe and follow the river ever deeper into the Mendip Hills towards the feeder swallets on the plateau above. This book chronicles the saga of exploration from the hard hat, lead booted pioneers of the 1930s through the post-War "frogman" era to the high-tech, deep divers of the present generation. A story of triumph and occasional tragedy, it is told by the divers themselves and those who knew them well.

  • Hardback (ISBN 978-0-901031-07-5). £15. Weight 1.1kg. Spine width 28 mm. Format 178 x 247mm (7 x 9.7in). Sewn binding.

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Send a cheque made payable to British Cave Research Association to BCRA, Old Methodist Chapel, Great Hucklow, BUXTON, SK17 8RG. There is no need to send a covering letter, but please...

  • Print your name and address clearly on the back of the cheque
  • Write "Wookey Book Order" on the back of the cheque too.
  • Add your email address if you want an order acknowledgement.

Where to Find the Book

  • You can place an order online, or send us a cheque. Please allow two weeks for delivery if you pay by cheque.
  • Please ask for the book in your caving shop.

A Description of the Book

This book is published by the Cave Diving Group with financial assistance from the British Cave Research Association.


British Cave Research Association (UK registered charity 267828). Registered Office: Old Methodist Chapel, Great Hucklow, BUXTON, SK17 8RG
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