Error! - File Not Authorised

The document you asked for was either not found or access to it was not authorised.

Document Identifier: db002033.f
URI used for the request: /pub/docs/downloads.html?f=db002033.f

In addition, the system reports: Error 94. Could not find specified file, db002033.f

If an error number is mentioned above, further details are given below. Otherwise, see the 'Error situations' list in the second table, below.


Error Numbers

Error Number What you should do Technical explanation
Error 91 Failed to verify user credentials. The system could not verify that you had logged in correctly. This can happen if you navigate directly to this page (or re-load it) after your login has expired - so try logging in again. But this is a strange error: it sometimes seem to happen in mysterious circumstances. Please contact us so we can investigate. Failed to verify the login cookie supplied by the user's browser.
Error 92 Your access is restricted to CREG documents. Your access credentials only allow you to access CREG documents and you have apparently tried to access other BCRA content, for which you need a new access code. File name prefix and access code suffix did not correlate.
Error 93 Your access does not include restricted documents. Your access credentials only allow you to access general BCRA documents and you have apparently tried to access 'premium' content, for which you need a new access code. File name prefix and access code suffix did not correlate.
Error 94 Could not find specified file. The file you asked for does not exist. Most probably, this is because you mis-typed a URL. This error should not occur if you clicked a link in the list of contents. Please check the "error situations" listed below. File look-up failed.
Error 95 Your access is restricted to Cave & Karst Science. Most probably you have a free 'Open Access' userid, which only allows access to Cave & Karst Science. You have apparently tried to access other BCRA content, for which you need to purchase a new access code. File name prefix and access code suffix did not correlate.
Error 96 Your access does not include the CREG Journal. From July 2024 a standard ID does not include access to the CREG journal. You will need to purchase a new ID using the CREG Order Form. This change has been made in order to allow CREG to raise additional funds. File name prefix and access code suffix did not correlate.


Error Situations

Error Situation What you should do Technical explanation
You navigated directly to this page, downloads.html, which is not allowed On our Bibliography pages (see list), click on one of the links to online content. No query string was specified in the URL.
You mis-typed the URL Check your typing. The URL should end in html?f=sss where sss is the document identification number. This may take one of several formats, comprising letters and numbers and sometimes followed by a full stop and another character, e.g. cks099045.f. The query string specified in the URL was not valid.
The document you have requested is not available Contact the Publications Admin., quoting the document reference given at the top of this page. The file was not found on the web server.
You are not authorised to view the document you have selected The access credentials issued to you do not allow you to access this document. This may be because you have purchased access to a single document only, or to a particular class of documents only (e.g. CREG journals) or because you are attempting to access a 'premium' document that requires an additional subscription fee to be paid. To query this, please contact the Publications Admin., quoting the document reference given at the top of this page. Access code check failed.
There is a mistake in our software Contact the Publications Admin., quoting the document reference given at the top of this page and the following string, It's all got too complicated.

British Cave Research Association (UK registered charity 267828). Registered Office: Old Methodist Chapel, Great Hucklow, BUXTON, SK17 8RG
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This page, http://bcra.org.uk/pub/docs/downloads.html was last modified on Mon, 10 Feb 2020 10:05:10 +0000