Contents of Issue 89, Winter 2000/2001
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Caving > Contents
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Caving News | Overseas Caving News |
Features | Reviews |
Equipment Reports | Association
Discovering Water Tracing
Graham Balcombe: A cave diver's life: Part
Photo by John Gunn,
Cotton fluocapteur recovered by Simon Bottrell,
monitoring optical brightener injected above White Scar
The editorial discusses the passage of the "Right to Roam" Act through
Parliament, and comments that its practical realisation is still years away.
Cavers will need to proceed with caution in gaining access to land, and the
regional caving organisations are best placed for the forthcoming delicate
negotiations with landowners and the Countryside Agency, in the climate of
legal argument, litigation, insurance issues and environmental conservation.
The Editor solicits further articles on expeditions, Special Interest
Group activities (such as cave radio and electronics, cave surveying, cave
photography, speleohistory), university caving, and the future of British
(Chandler, I.E.) 4
- Best use for the Graham Balcombe bequest? (Judson, D.M.)
- Digital photography rules? (Gibson, D.) 13
UK Caving News
- New entrance to Ogof Nant Rhin in Clydach Gorge 14
- New exploration in Carno Adit 14
- Progress with the Pwll Du Tunnel (Gardener, C.) 14
- Kilburn High Road Dig in Daren Cilau reaches 40m trending north
(Bailey, C) 14-15
- Dry route into Notts 2 7
- Turbary Pot 1998-2000 (Hall, A.) 16-17
- Discovery in Waterfall Swallet: Crock Pot (Webb, D.) 8-9
Forest of Dean
- Radon survey in the Forest of Dean caves and mines 10
- Survey of Re Melt Plant Series in Slaughter Stream Cave reveals due
north trend towards Redhouse 10
- Report of Forest 2000 Caving Symposium 16-18.06.00 (Appleing, D.)
- "Time Team" at Fishmongers Swallet, Alveston 11
- Grampian Speleological Group survey beam pump at Wanlockhead, Lead
Hills, for Historic Scotland (Grindley, R.) 11
Overseas Caving News
- Report of Cave and Karst Conservation and Access Symposium 2000,
Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh 12-13
- Matienzo (Corrin, J.) 24-27
- New world depth record, Voronja Cave, Arabika Massif, West Caucasus
(Klimchouk, A.) 7
- Over 20 new caves entered in the mountains of Baluchistan, Western
Pakistan, by joint Pakistan-Britain expedition (Brooks, S.) 7
- New discoveries in the Troyanski Massif of the Central Balkans
Mountains (Jalov, A.) 35
- Countryside & Rights of Way Act 2000: a caver's view of the new
legislation (Judson, D.M.) 6
- Francis Graham Balcombe: Gentleman pioneer 08.03.1907-19.03.2000
(Gardener, C.) Part 2 28-32
- Discovering Water Tracing "Where does the water go?" (Gunn, J.)
- Accident News: Lancaster Hole, November 2000; Outcome of the court
case relating to the Gaping Gill fatality 1995 33
- Ghar Parau Fund deadlines 33
- Obituary: Richard Kenny 18.02.1929-27.12.2000 33
- Report of Speleovision, the International Festival of Caving Films,
La Chapelle-en-Vercors, France, August 2000 (Jones, G.) 38
- O Carste 12(3) July 2000, Grupo Bambui de Pesquisas
Espeleológicas (Whitaker, T.) 35
- Reviews of a selection of French Journals (Westlake, C.)
- Leize Kobaue 5, 1999 (Whitaker, T) 36
- Boletin Cántabro de Espeleogía 14, 2000
(Whitaker, T.) 36
- Gale, S.J., 2000 Classical landforms of Morecambe Bay,
Geographical Association ISBN 1 899085 63 7 (Murphy, P.) 37
- Ebbs, C., 2000 An introduction to the caves of North East
Wales (Oldham, T.) 37
- Campbell Bannerman, D. & N. The Bronze Age coast project/Great
Orme explained (Oldham, T.) 37
- Wilkens, H., D.C. Culver & W.F. Humphreys (eds), 2000
Subterranean ecosystems, Elsevier Science BV, Amsterdam (Oldham, T.)
- Dalley, S. (ed), 2000 The independent hostel guide 2000, Britain
and Europe, The Backpackers Press, Matlock Bath (Oldham, T.) 38
Equipment Reports
Association News
- Caves & Caving Contacts 5
- BCRA Contacts 5
- Graham Balcombe Bequest: A note from the Chairman (Williams, N.)
This page created by Dr John D. Wilcock
and edited by David Gibson.
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