Contents of Issue 86, Winter 1999
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Caving News | Overseas Caving News |
Features | Reviews |
Equipment Reports | Association
Dachstein '99 - Spectacular Limestone in Austria
Ogof Draenen
- Figure of Eight
Conference Report - Hidden Earth at Leeds
Photo by Ray Duffy, Angela Hare in Razor Passage, County Pot.
Hugh St Lawrence is handing over to a new Editor of Caves &
Caving. We look forward to seeing how the magazine will respond to the
publishing challenge presented by the age of the internet.
(St Lawrence,
H.) 2
UK Caving News
- The long round trip, Ogof Draenen (Stevens, J.) 14-15
- Devonshire Caverns, the lower sump dive (Webb, D.) 6
- Peak Cavern climbs and digs 6-7
- Bagshawe Cavern developments in the Hollywood Bowl and Full Moon
series 7
- Dowel Dale Side Pot dig, and speculation that there must be another
resurgence for the system elsewhere (possibly the Crowdwell?) 7
- Titan Shaft: the surface project. Radio location and JCB operations
(Arveschoug, D.) 8
- The Cave and Mine Conservation Audit for the Masson Hill Area
(formerly the Masson Hill SSSI Cave Management Plan) (Webb, D.) 9
- Access news & general information (notably digs at Poole's
Cavern, and pollution in Knotlow Cavern (Gunn, J.)) 9
- YRC find large fault (Sealey's Fault) under Newby Moss (Campion, G.)
- Red Rose find large fault under Dowlass Moss: Trapdoor Pot now at 90m
depth where there is a large fault down which rocks fall free for 3s, and where
a stream can be heard (St Lawrence, H.) 11
- Former phreatic Main Drain found by WRPC in Fossil Pot, Great
Whernside 11
- Pillar Holes, Newby Moss now at 100m depth 11
- Committee Pot, Leck Fell dig may be a possible dry entrance to Notts
2 11
- Diving News: Brown Hill Pot, East Kingsdale finally connected to King
Pot; work at Footnaw's Hole; downstream sump of Washfold Pot, Ingleborough
passed 11
- Allt nan Uamh Stream Cave diving (Grindley, R.) 13
- Rana Hole (Grindley, R.) 13
- Skye (Grindley, R.) 13
Overseas Caving News
- SUICRO 1999. Report of the 15th Speleological Union of Ireland/Irish
Cave Rescue Organisation Conference, Leenane, County Galway 4-5
- Eisturnen Höhle, Dachstein 1999 Expedition (McNab, P.)
- News from Savoie & Isère (Loiseleur, B.) 33
- Ghar Parau Foundation Expedition Grants for 2000 10
- Croatia: Speleolog 44/45, 1999 (Oldham, T.) 33
- Holland: Pierk 1 & 2, 1999 (Dikstra, M.) 33-34
- Italy: Memorie dell'Istituto Italiano di Speleologia, Series
2, 8 (Oldham, T.) 34
- Poland: Jaskinie 2 (15), 1999 (Oldham, T.) 34
- Bonsall, C. & C. Tolan-Smith (Eds) 1997. The human use of
caves, BAR International Series 667 (Oldham, T.) 35
- Pfeffer, K-H. (ed.) 1998. International Atlas of Karst Phenomena,
Annals of Geomorphology 109 Sheets 13-17, Gebruder Borntrager, Berlin
(Oldham, T.) 35
- Suber, P. 1999. The case of the speluncean explorers: Nine new
opinions, Routledge, London & New York (Oldham, T.) 35
- Farrant, A. 1999. Walks around the caves and karst of the Mendip
Hills, BCRA Cave Studies Series 8 (Halliwell, R.) 36
- Cousins, P.R. & G.J. Mullan (compilers) 1999. Cave Science -
Combined indexes vol. II (combined indexes of the Journal and
Proceedings of the British Speleological Association, BSA Caves &
Caving, and the Journal of the William Pengelly Cave Studies Trust),
BCRA (Jeffreys, A.). Note that all four indexes are now available on this
website where they can be searched interactively 36
Equipment Reports
- The Firefly BF1 Bulb-Slave
Unit (Duffy, R.) 36
Association News
- Joint Working Party for British Caving considers the future.
Constructive comments are welcome. The full text of the paper is available on
the NCA website. 3
- Hidden Earth 1999, Conference Reports, Credits and Prizewinners
- Minutes of the 1999 Annual General Meeting of the BCRA (Wilcock,
J.D.) 30
- Join BCRA Council 30
- Citations for BCRA Honorary Membership November 1999: Jerry
Wooldridge & The Ellis Family (compiled by Ford, T.D. & J.D. Wilcock)
- Travel Insurance (rates valid for bookings made from 1 November 1999)
- Reports of Council Meetings 110 (14 March 1999) and 111 (11 July
1999) (Wilcock, J.D.) 32
- Co-ordinator for BBS/Speleological Abstracts urgently needed by BCRA
- Caves & Caving needs a new Editor 32
- List of former members of BCRA for whom the present address is
unknown 32
- BCRA Cave Science Symposium 25th March 2000, University of
Huddersfield Inside back cover
- The BCRA Cave Studies Series Inside front cover
This page created by Dr John D. Wilcock and edited by David Gibson.
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