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BCRA > Publications > List serials by ISSN
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BCRA > Publications > List books by ISBN

Serials published by BCRA, BSA and CRG etc.

Serial Publisher Title
ISSN 0068-256X BSA Proceedings of the British Speleological Association, (1963-1969)
ISSN 0008-8617 BSA Journal of the British Speleological Association, (1967-1973)
ISSN 0069-1305 CRG Transactions of the Cave Research Group of Great Britain, (1950-1974)
ISSN 0305-859X BCRA Transactions of the British Cave Research Association, (1974-1982)
ISSN 0263-760X BCRA Cave Science, (1982-1993)
ISSN 0142-1832 BCRA Caves and Caving (1979-2000)
ISSN 1356-191X BCRA Cave and Karst Science, (1994-)
ISSN 1361-4800 BCRA Cave Radio & Electronics Group Journal (1988-...)
ISSN 1361-8962 BCRA Compass Points: Journal of BCRA Surveying Group (1996-...)
ISSN 1478-999X BCRA Speleology (2003-...)
ISSN 1362-0614 BCRA/UP Underground Photographer (1995-1998)
ISSN 1478-9639 BCRA/CPG Cave Photography Group Newsletter (1998-2004)
ISSN 0032-3637 PDMHS Bulletin of the Peak District Mines Historical Soc.,(1959-1995)
ISSN 1366-2511 PDMHS "Mining History" - ditto - ,(1996-)
ISSN 0585-718X WPCST "Studies in Speleology, (1964-)
ISSN 0373-7527 UBSS Transactions of the University of Bristol Speleological Soc., (1919-)
  1. The list of Serials (ISSNs) is unfortunately incomplete as we do not have a record of the ISSN's that the British Library would have issued for BSA Bulletins, CRG Newsletters and early BCRA Bulletins or indeed CTS. They may all be on the British Library website somewhere. (Peter Cousins)
  2. Nick Williams' Bibliography of Underground Communications does not appear. It was issued as a free supplement to a CREG journal issue. (David Gibson)
  3. The first 12 issues of Compass Points were issued as a supplement to the CREG journal. Issue 13 (coincident with CREG journal 25, Sept 1996) is the first one to indicate that the CSG is a separate SIG in its own right. (David Gibson)
  4. Issue 1 of Underground Photographer was published by BCRA-CREG. Subsequent issues were published independently but this fact is not recorded in the BL catalogue. In any case, ISSNs do not indicate a unique publisher, since it is the title that is associated with the ISSN. (David Gibson)
  5. The CPG newsletter was issued independently of BCRA, but the BL catalogue records an association with BCRA. (David Gibson)