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# format auto-updated on access: Mon 27-Nov-2017 11:29:53 +01:00

CREG Journal
Contents. (This is a bit-map scan).

A Directory of Cave Radio Designs
Mike Bedford summarises some of the better-known designs of cave radio.

Cave Radio - the Next Generation
David Gibson looks at some factors which may prevent progress on the next generation of cave radio and suggests how a new design may come into being.

Speech Communications at 27kHz FM
Stuart France describes the design philosophy of his experimental FM cave radio, and gives some advice to budding cave radio designers. David Gibson gives some technical background to Stuart's design.

An Advanced Method of Speech Clipping
Bill Purvis introduces some experiments he has been carrying out on a Sun workstation.

Licence-free Home-construction of Induction Radio Equipment
Is it possible to have a design type approved and then allow individuals to home construct units? David Gibson investigates.

Type Approval News
The latest information, reported by David Gibson.

Broadening our Horizons
Mike Bedford and David Gibson suggest some new applications of electronics to caving and urge us all to broaden our horizons.

Sites for Testing Cave Radios at Depth
David Gibson considers which British caves will present the biggest challenge for testing new radios.

Designing an SSB Transmitter Module
David Gibson outlines his thoughts for producing a basic type approved SSB module which could form the basis of new cave radios.

Update on Cave Data Logging
David Gibson reports on the progress of the project outlined in Journal 11.

David Gibson reviews some recent articles on earth-current communications and data-logging.

Experiments with Earth Current
Some suggestions for experimental work by Nigel Lovell.

Experiments with Audio Bandwidth Reduction
Rob Gill has been experimenting with some low cost chips to effect a bandwidth reduction for speech.

David Gibson updates recent articles on Earth Current communications, NiCd Charger/Conditioner, Caver Counter.